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    broken stems

    My amazing outdoor shit just got dumped on all day and needless to say all the extra weight snapped the stem near the pot/bucket. Plants got big white haired buds and maybe a month left to go. Will she keep going or is she done with a broking stem?
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    The Duke's 3000w Purple Stadium

    Dude this is fucking sick, wish I could still be growing. Hate living with the parents! Mad props to you for such a great grow.
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    cooling the grow room HELP

    My room is a 12x12 and I have a small tent (20x36x64) with a 400w hps in it. Then the tent is in my closet with a 4in fan 170cfm that pulls through the air cooled light and blows into attic. Passive intake flap at bottom of tent is open Im in the high 80's sometime 90 or higher. During the day...
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    possible ph issue

    no i don't have pics unfortunately. I really want a camera so i can take pics to get good feedback form u guys. when the leaves start to yellow it starts with the veins if that makes a difference
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    possible ph issue

    5th week of flower kandy kush x skunk under 400hps, 150 hps, 2 26w 6500k florescents, leaves are yellowing and developing brown spots which are just like brown dots mostly along the veins, not long after these spots the leaves starts to curl up and die. I ph the water to about 6.3 before...
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    plant issue

    I agree I need to get a digital camera. However the smaller of the two isn't as bad maybe it is heat stress being the taller one is closer. I keep my 400w air cooled and at least 12in away Temperature at the canape is 75-80 usually stays around 77 so I find it hard to believe its heat stress but...
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    plant issue

    The new growth on top of my plants is pointing up and barely opening. Top fan leaves are cupped like a V and have ridges on them.
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    need ideas

    Growing in my closet and it doesn't have a door, Should I put up some black and white poly or could I use a blind and curtain.
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    have a plant problem

    Looked into that and I think I agree how much salt per gallon? That's just regular Epsom salt right.
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    have a plant problem

    New growth is narrow and yellow and a handful of leaves are margin curling or cupping upwards. Think its over fertilization but this is only my second grow so looking for some advice. Feed every other watering and I ph it to 6.5-7 and then tap water from a well which is 6.8 ph for the non...
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    Light Issue

    I tried unplugging it for a while like you said and that didn't work. Its a magnetic ballast the htg supply one. The ballast comes on just the bulb never lights.
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    Light Issue

    Bought a htg 400w hps light hasn't even been a week and it quit working. The ballast is buzzing when you turn it on and the bulbs not firing. Bulb or ballast?
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    watering problem

    Anyone have any tips for me?
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    watering problem

    I'm using of potting soil and I mix my nutrients with water in a one gallon jug and slowly pour it over the soil surface. However when doing this it causes the soil to settle like a sink hole. How do I keep this from happening?
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    Pics of my 2 first ladies

    I think they look good man, make me jealous cause I just harvested my first two and don't have any others started yet.
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    question about ff ocean forest potting soil

    when planting seeds in this do I need to water the fresh soil in the pots to compact it down some?
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    seedling feel over

    I think I didn't have enough light cause the lower part of the stem is skinny/weak and looks a little stretched. Put more light on her will she just pull back up over time or is she lost? I do have a fan blowing on her.
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    seedling feel over

    I germinated a seed in a rockwool cube and been watering here and there with a spray bottle. Had a 2 day old seedling just fall over, can she just not support herself being youg or is it having trouble making a root system? How should I go about fixing this problem? This is in a 5 gallon dwc btw.
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    transplanting question

    Thanks little tommy, sorry for double posting server problems.
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    transplanting question

    Have 2 females not sure of exact age, veged them for about a month maybe a little more and then been 12/12 under a 150w hps for 15 days. They are about 2.5-3ft tall, been feeding them tiger bloom and big bloom since switch to flowering. They are in about 1x1 pots and need transplanted, is it to...