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  1. D

    My first DWC/Aero grow --- 3 Durban Poison/600w/Closet SCROG

    qpoonz your garden looks delish man im growin durban myself, and have had some shocking results so far, im in australia and the temp over here is high 30s, celcius that is, and i got some bad advise from my grow shop telling me i had a calsium defish when in actual fact i had a potasium defish...
  2. D

    Van de Zwaan House & Garden Aqua Flakes.. Anyone Tried Em?

    hey guys all interesting threads, have used gh for a while now in summer in australia and it gets bloody hot, i use gh grow, micra,bloom,floraliscious plus and kool bloom. last crop i ran a ph of 5.6 all the way through and found the ph too remain very stable, this time i ran a ph of 6.0 in a...