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  1. H

    I believe this is Nute burn, but would like a second opinion.

    I'm starting with MiracleGro, then I plan to move into Ocean Forest. This is likely contributing.
  2. H

    I believe this is Nute burn, but would like a second opinion.

    No, I've been nuting the shit out of it, but this didn't start happening until it got tall. I thought it might be heat/light, but it's happening to the under leaves as well, and it continues to happen even if I move them away from the light.
  3. H

    I believe this is Nute burn, but would like a second opinion.

    To correct you; SMART PEOPLE don't put nutes on seedlings.
  4. H

    I believe this is Nute burn, but would like a second opinion.

    Also, this is their 28th day since sprout. Why are they growing so slowly?
  5. H

    I believe this is Nute burn, but would like a second opinion.

    These are my two "Beauties", both White Widow. I think they are suffering from over-nuting, and would like to 1.) Have this theory confirmed, and 2.) Be told how to fix it.
  6. H

    What happens if you plant 2 seeds right next to each other?

    I've been wondering this for a couple years, but never really had any motive to find out. Assuming they both grew, what are your predictions of what would happen? How would it effect output?