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  1. P

    Powdery mildew - powder mold - Fungaflor

    Damn i had to sell my 27 Dodge. I miss all my cars and bikes.......someday soon i will be able to start some new builds.......
  2. P

    Powdery mildew - powder mold - Fungaflor

    I would say try baking soda per what you see on here and high ph water at lights out. then just hi ph water the next day.. use filtered water for sure the second day to wash of the baking soda. If it doesnt work try fungaflor. DO NOT SET THAT WHOLE BOMB OFF OR YOU WILL KILL ALL YOUR PLANTS...
  3. P

    Powdery mildew - powder mold - Fungaflor

    The gc was described as some of the best they had ever seen at my local disp. The HS has been a huge hit and was well sought after. The Dcx SC was low in THC. Its all on the leaves as I grabed 7grams of clean bubble of each ounce of trim. The DC did put you fast asleep though. Since this time...
  4. P

    Powdery mildew - powder mold - Fungaflor

    Damn, that stuff worked wonders... my plants are on fire with growth. I used 1/2 the strength recomended. I harvested my GC today. they looked and smelled perfect. I'm glad I work out of the house and had the time to tackle my problems correct. h2o2 will be part of my program from now on......
  5. P

    Sure to grow vs hydroton and crushed coco shells

    So I finally got a peak at my grow. the plants that i used hydroton mixed with 30% crushed coco shells was started in 2 gallon buckets then placed in tubs and filled with the same about 1.5 inches deep. they have about a 1/4 inch of solid roots covering the entire bottom of the 18" x 3' tub...
  6. P

    Powdery mildew - powder mold - Fungaflor

    my ph was dropping like a rock. reses were clouding up. i think seranade caused or it was just timming bacteria to build up. I added h2o2 today and will let you know...........
  7. P

    Powdery mildew - powder mold - Fungaflor

    I run 1 month apart. clones, 1 part of room on 18/6 for 1 month, pvc divider then teens and grownup in same room on 12/12. I'm using seranade on my smaller stuff to prevent the pm and keepin RH good. i'll keep this post up to date. I hope it helps people I had a hard time figuring out how to...
  8. P

    Powdery mildew - powder mold - Fungaflor

    Well all is good. I had a few leaves on the bottoms dry up and fall off. no pm anywhere. I never fogged again as i dont need to. they got over the stress and are growing fast again. I gained about 20% on the buds in 1 day. I am happy that i wont have to spray or do anything else. I'm keeping...
  9. P

    Powdery mildew - powder mold - Fungaflor

    I soaked all the plants with a heavy mist of hi ph 8.5 plus water right after lights out. I got up this morning and bahhmmmm....Its all gone. I mean gone gone. There are a couple of spots on lower leafs that I'm sure i missed. I'm gunna hit them now as they are in shade. I will keep this up to...
  10. P

    Powdery mildew - powder mold - Fungaflor

    noticed about 5 spots that came back, will clip em and hit with hi PH water as the lights go out. think i will fog again the day after this isf some still around....
  11. P

    Powdery mildew - powder mold - Fungaflor

    Well the plants I trimmed allot seem to be looking much better this afternoon. My ph dropped real low so I mixed up a gallon of nutes for each and raised it back to 5.9. I will change all waters tomorrow and will flush with fresh water b4 i do. No spread today and no leaves fell off. I will look...
  12. P

    Powdery mildew - powder mold - Fungaflor

    all looks good so far, some stress from clipping but it seems the spead has stopped. today i'm going to wipe off the leaves.....
  13. P

    Powdery mildew - powder mold - Fungaflor

    So I split 7 gallons of fresh nute mix on the carpet in my place. Forgot to put the hose back in my res...well none leaked through to the apt. below so I thought my problems were over........Nope. My RH went up to over 80 percent for the next 4 days as I had to have the door open to the outside...
  14. P

    clones, help

    I took clones off my clones at week 4.5 , .5 weeks after a I switched to 12/12. used rootech and got all 18 to live just fine. I put em in 1 inch rockwool. I used clonex for the first week of life then switched to the technaflora recipe for transplants for 1/2 a week then used 1/4 strength...
  15. P

    how to get better chance of females??

    just wanted to put 1 of the myths to me "myth buster" for roll it up.....
  16. P

    how to get better chance of females??

    UPDATE!!! 10 females --- 6 males --- 2 I cant tell for a few days but leaning towards males...... I'm going to call shananagins on the 17 - 3 - 1 - 3 light cycle to make more females.... I used 30x mag and can clearly see translucent pist...on 10, I see pear shaped leaning toward round on 6...
  17. P

    Is one 6" fan enough for 3x 600w light bulbs in cool tubes?

    call me lucky but I run like this. 6" dia. Carbon filter up high......4" can fan... the green generic one.....insulated (pricey) 4" ducting through 3 600w either MH of HPS in a straight line....these are sealed 6" hoods with reducers....more 4" ducting....out through 4" flange in blacked out...
  18. P

    how to get better chance of females??

    i just used a 17 3 1 3 light cycle on 18 seeds for the first 2 weeks......I bet i get 50/50 but i wanted to try.....i'll let ya know in 2 more weeks
  19. P

    Leaf edges curling a little everything else looks ok

    the crushed coco shells seem cool, ya gotta rinse the heck out of it before ya use it.....lots of small dust and red bleed holds a ton of water and nutes. I just changed 7 gallons of water and nutes.....forgot the tube going back to my res........7 gallons of water on the...
  20. P

    Leaf edges curling a little everything else looks ok

    Thanks man, I ended up figuring out that I must have buildup as i saw it on the side of my watering table. So I watered for a day and a half with ph correct distilled water and wham ooo !!!!! leafs look good again. back to reg nutes and she never even flinched.....Thanks for the reply....this is...