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  1. M

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Thanks for this thread. I know if chemical ferts (MG and etc) are used , they must be flushed for a while to get rid of the bad taste. If organic nutrients are used in a soil grow, will they also leave a bad taste if not flushed?
  2. M

    Green Mold inside soil container

    Update, I blacked out the light with the tape, like I said above, and it killed the green stuff, after about 10 days!!!
  3. M

    Green Mold inside soil container

    I read here that some growers are using cinnamon to prevent mold. How much should I use and how should I use it? Also hydrogen peroxide was mentioned, how is that used?
  4. M

    Green Mold inside soil container

    dura72, I took your advice and 'light sealed' the entire container with duct tape. I'll peel some of back and see if it helped in a week or two.... the plumber, I don't think it's any kind of nute problem as I'm using Fox Farm Ocean Forest, and haven't used any nutes on it yet (the seedling have...
  5. M

    Green Mold inside soil container

    I just started a seedling in a soil medium (FFOF). The container is a one gallon milk jug. The seedling is three weeks in and doing fine. However the milk jug is opaque and must have let in enough light for some kind of green mold or something like that to start growing, as on the sides (inside...
  6. M

    Miracle Gro potting soil time release ferts.

    I just got a bag of Jiffy Seed Starting Mix. It doesn't say anything about having any kind of ferts in it, so I'm assuming there isn't any. Can I start the seeds in it and just keep them growing in it, just giving them the proper ferts 3 or 4 weeks down the line?
  7. M

    Miracle Gro potting soil time release ferts.

    Thanks for the replies, guys. I'm trying to grow A11XC99, which I've grown successfully in the past. I forgot what kind of soul I used then, but I had no problem as it is a hardy strain and I used MG frets all the way, flushed for 2 weeks before harvest, and I got sweet tasting kick ass herb. I...
  8. M

    Miracle Gro potting soil time release ferts.

    I tried using MG potting soil mix. It has 6mo time release ferts. It killed the seedlings(at least I think it was the ferts). Anyway, I see some little jell-cap like spheres in the soil mix, which I think is the time release mechanism for the ferts. If I carefully sift through the soil and take...
  9. M

    Questions about tds and flushing

    I"m sorry if this has been covered elsewhere in these forums, but I've read until my eyes are crossed and just got more confused. My tap water has 270 tds. pH of 7.0, If I adjust the pH with vinegar, would the water be OK to start seedlings in? I"m growing A11XC99. I'm thinking I'll use bottled...