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  1. S

    IS this enough Light

    Enlighten me, what should I be looking for in a light? If I want to keep it to CFLs if possible. Grow room size 50cm*50cm*100cm, probably 3-4 plants in 3 gal soil containers. Thank you.
  2. S

    bait shop worm dirt

    Everywhere I've seen red wigglers for sale they were in little containers with just some peat moss, not their original bedding. This is *I think* because the slight acidity and really absorbent qualities of the peat is irritating to the worms and therefore discourages any escape attempts...
  3. S

    Young plants remaining yellow?

    Wait, by 'lowest leaves' do you mean the round ones that first came out of the seed? Because i think those are supposed to go yellow when the get eaten up as food...
  4. S

    1st CFL we go

    I've been following your grow cause I've started a pretty similar simple setup right now, (mine arent doing so well). I'm sorry to hear that shit about your pot hungry cat an i hope ur girls are ok--the things we'll endure for our pets ;)
  5. S

    Beginner growing lowryders yippee

    thanks for the replies, i'm pretty sure i'm going through with this now. can anyone (warparty?) tell me from experience what is the smallest you can go for the pot size? just overall space saving is a big priority, as i need to keep this completely on the dl for now.
  6. S

    Beginner growing lowryders yippee

    first im delighted to find such a knowledgeable and large community of home growers here, kudos to the creator and all the members. so i moved recently, and now i have no connections whatsoever, and its looking to stay that way for a while. growing sounds like fun. i love the idea of really...