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  1. intrezity

    First Time Grow Room- Any Suggestions?? *PICS*

    cheers for the advice:) the strain is unknown:p got the seeds off a mate that recommended them and then grew a few and sexed them, found the females cloned the best looking one and grew that. put the plants we took clones from outside and they are budding nicely
  2. intrezity

    First Time Grow Room- Any Suggestions?? *PICS*

    Hey guys and gals this is our first attempt at growing, we have. -expanded clay medium -timed watering every 1.5 hrs for 2 mins (with a large pump) during light hours and once during dark. -18/6 through veg using a 600W improved spectrum MH and a 400W standard MH in cool tubes running air...
  3. intrezity

    Heat 92F too high?? *Pics*

    i cant remove the intake for the tube because its running through another grow cupboards cool tube. I might try putting a bigger exhaust fan for the room and a small oscillating fan inside the cupboard......i think macdadyabc is right about getting rid of hot spots....
  4. intrezity

    Heat 92F too high?? *Pics*

    cheers guys, i got some stuff to work with now! i think i may do all the above.....better ventilation with a bigger fan and could try some c02. ive got some of that co2 enricher and from what ive been told i can add some of that to icy water and put it under my canopy and it should linger around...
  5. intrezity

    10 day bubblebomb and 14 day afghan mazaar

    looking really good! 10 days is fantastic!
  6. intrezity

    Heat 92F too high?? *Pics*

    hmmm that case i cant for winter to actually thinking of putting another grow cupboard in that room with a 600w light, this one isnt a cool tube though and was worried that it would increase the temp too much. If youve done 95 then i should be alright setting this...
  7. intrezity

    Heat 92F too high?? *Pics*

    Been battling a bit with heat in my setup.....I have a cool tube with a 250CFM fan attached bringing in cooler air from outside the cupboard and also an exhaust fan to ventilate the grow cupboard. An oscillating fan is also in the room outside the cupboard to keep air circulation. The...
  8. intrezity

    First Time Grow Help- *Pics*

    cheers for having a look. much appreciated
  9. intrezity

    First Time Grow Help- *Pics*

    This is my first time grow and I am using perlite/vermiculite as my medium in a hydroponic system. My plants look a little droopy to me compared to others ive seen on the forum. I was hoping someone could tell me if my plants look alright? any comments are appreciated. Ph: 5.8 TDS: 650ppm...