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  1. DankyMedicinals

    First Grow Journal-pics, Medicinal seeds, Please Give input

    so here are some new pics, just one week into flowering, and a week form last pictures! the very last pic is my plant with the problem, ever since transplanting earlier this week it was been slowly killing its older leaves, only the old ones are effected but i was just wondering if anyone had...
  2. DankyMedicinals

    First Grow Journal-pics, Medicinal seeds, Please Give input

    im gonna have pics up later today!, i have to gte some soil and blooming ferts and then im gonna trans plantand i will post pics up tonight!
  3. DankyMedicinals

    First Grow Journal-pics, Medicinal seeds, Please Give input

    i know the ph was right around 6.5-7 and im sure it was a nute burn because i accidently watered it with same solution im using on my plants tht have been in the soil for about 4 weeks, and the one with spots hd just gotten new age old organics soil, so it was all my fault lol. and i plan on...
  4. DankyMedicinals

    First Grow Journal-pics, Medicinal seeds, Please Give input

    bongsmiliehere r the updated week from the last pictures, the one with the yellow spots is the one we had to transplant and cut, i just pulled a leaf or two off. wwell see if it makes it. i flushed it yesterday, looks better, the new growth looks healthy
  5. DankyMedicinals

    First Grow, 2 weeks in, Tips PLease:)!!!

    well i guess no links work for some reaosn, but its under my name lol and its my mediincal seed grow
  6. DankyMedicinals

    First Grow, 2 weeks in, Tips PLease:)!!!
  7. DankyMedicinals

    First Grow, 2 weeks in, Tips PLease:)!!! fixed link
  8. DankyMedicinals

    First Grow, 2 weeks in, Tips PLease:)!!!

    so i kinda moved this journal here if any one cares?
  9. DankyMedicinals

    First Grow Journal-pics, Medicinal seeds, Please Give input

    well ill have new pics up at the beginning of the week, and about a week from monday i was planning on starting flowering, i wanted to do it real early because of limited space, it would be about the 5 week mark, let me know if it would be too early or anything thanks!
  10. DankyMedicinals

    first grow

    nice lookin plants im excited to see those ladies grow up
  11. DankyMedicinals

    Ghetto Grow Box (CFL)

    you want them 3-6 inches away from the lights depending on the heat, especially in flower to help induce.
  12. DankyMedicinals

    First Grow Journal-pics, Medicinal seeds, Please Give input

    so let me know what you think, anything helps!
  13. DankyMedicinals

    First Grow Journal-pics, Medicinal seeds, Please Give input

    so this is my and my roommates first grow. we are excited because we get to do it legally! i got my medicinal license for cancer and havent looked back, i had a care taker for a while that grew for me and a few other patients but we decided it was time to start growin instead of payin. i go...
  14. DankyMedicinals

    help please, one leaf on two week old plant is spiraling and looks like its dying

    there is just one of the bigger leaves on my sprout twirling downwards and shriviling up, the other leaves look good but one of the first two main sun leafe starts i spun around and shriveled, what should i do, will post pics soon.
  15. DankyMedicinals

    First Grow (midgrade) CFL and sunlight

    and the burning could be from the aluminum foil not the light i hear that a lot
  16. DankyMedicinals

    First Grow (midgrade) CFL and sunlight

    beautiful plant man, i just started my first grow myself, for the thins stems have you tried having a fan on it constantly i started doing that and my plants are a lot stronger even at how small they are. just an idea
  17. DankyMedicinals

    First Grow, 2 weeks in, Tips PLease:)!!!

    does it mean anything if the leaves suddenly get droopy
  18. DankyMedicinals

    First Grow, 2 weeks in, Tips PLease:)!!!

    and i just realized i put 3 up twice, heres is plant 4
  19. DankyMedicinals

    First Grow, 2 weeks in, Tips PLease:)!!!

    so is ben another week ill update with some pics. so far this week i have moved plants closer to light, about 3 inches away. also made a bigger MYLAR lined box to accomidate new plat, i also seperated plants 1 and 2 into their own pots, roots were already pretty tangled, good call ru8fru and...