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  1. Q

    Well I Have To Say

    Hi dcyans Good to see ya here.
  2. Q

    My Flowers

    Mogie is this a new way of sexing plants? Preflowers show you the sex of the plant. It has nothing to do with the leaves or their positioning. Sorry Hermies aren't much good for seed unless you want more hermies. The hermie trait will usually over to the offspring. Hermie plants aren't...
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    indoor grow space

    Hi wayward I'm currently growing in a similar sized space (23x23x54) with a 400w hps. Heat is not an issue for me. I use a 6" 250 cfm inline duct fan to exhaust and usually use small desktop type fan to blow the heat from between the tops of the plants and the light. I think your biggest...
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    Whats happening to my plants????

    Hi Ft87 Looks like you have a mg def. Adding 1 tsp epsom salts per gallon of water every 3rd or 4th watering should fix that up. It's not over watering. Over watering causes leaf droop much the same as under watering. Are you using Miracle Grow soil (or something similar) w/time release...
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    Quick Question

    I have to disagree. I've had plants I would have bet were male, only to have them show hairs later on... Besides even if it is a male it's not going to ruin his crop yet it's only been flowering for a week. I still say give it some more time to be sure. It would suck to toss a perfectly good...
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    Some plants will hardly stretch at all and others will more than double in size. You should expect them to a least double in size during flowering so you don't run out of head room.
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    Quick Question

    Sounds like you've got a male but sometimes those girls will try to fool you. I'd let it go longer to be a 100% another week or two and you should know for sure.
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    Quick Question

    Seeing as you haven't watered in 3 days and you've started flowering I'd say they most likely need water. Your plants are stretching now and could double+ their size in the first couple of weeks of flowering and will require more water than they did during veg. To be safe though stick your...
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    What ya growing? Some folks will start long flowering sativas at 12/12 from seed. Indy dom I'd give 'em at least a month from seed. Where are your little white spots? If they're on the leaves it could be spider mites. Check the undersides of the leaves for little brown critters.
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    Distance from Light to Plant

    Is the light green at the top or the bottom of the plant? Are the veins in the leaves remaining darker a green? I was thinking it may be a mg def. Whilted leaves can be caused by both under and over watering. Over watering being the main cause by new growers.
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    How Long Do Seeds Last?

    Seeds can be kept for years.:) Store them with a desiccant in the fridge or a cool dry dark place. Some folks even store them in the freezer but I have no experiance with that myself.