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  1. S

    changing my food

    im gonna switch from general hydroponics flora series to ph perfect sensi grow and bloom 2 part, from advanced nutrients. Just wondering if anyone had any opinions or tips about this product?
  2. S

    leaf tips turning light green and drying out

    ya ive been feeding every saturday and watering every other day or two, as needed (usually once the top inch is dried).i use reverse osmosis water thats why i thought it was cal/mag issue. On feeding days my ec is at 1.6-1.8 and my ppm would be around 700-900. I usually flush my plants 3 times...
  3. S

    leaf tips turning light green and drying out

    im in my 4th week of flower right now and im having a problem with some of the leaves turning a lighter colour green and some (not many) are curling up on the ends and getting grey and dry. I noticed this starting to happen in week 2 so i flushed the plants with a ph of 6.2 and i gave it a week...