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  1. G

    How do I control the height of my moms?

    for sure... will this control the height?
  2. G

    Smoked hash instead of watering my plants, will they survive?

    yea dude it looks like those babies are gonna be fine. I wouldn't worry about the burnt tips at the bottom. i had the same problem, as the plants get bigger, those leaves are gonna stay close to the bottom and be pretty obsolete anyway. lookin good!
  3. G

    How do I control the height of my moms?

    i just took 30+ clones on thursday hah. How do I go about training them to grow out and round? I'm a noob so sorry about all the questions.
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    How do I control the height of my moms?

    I have these 3 mom's (DJ Short Blueberry) that I keep on 18/6. 430 watt HPS, Foxfarm Ocean blend soil with Foxfarm Grow Big, giving them half the recommended nutes every other watering. I have been clipping clones, usually about 10 clones per plant every month or so. I want to know how I can...
  5. G

    How do I prevent this from spreading?(w/pics)

    Just ripped some absolutely ridiculous Maui Wowie and Black Diamond Kush and I take a look in my closet and see this. So i have a bug problem... 1) what kind of bug do you think it could be? I saw a few small flies in my closed :( Very small little fuckers. 2) How do I prevent more flies from...
  6. G

    What do you think this could be (w/pics)

    word. yea that was the only leaf that seems to have that kind of damage. how do i prevent this in the future?
  7. G

    What do you think this could be (w/pics)

    On one of my plants I noticed on one of the leaves looks like it had been eaten away by something. This is the only leaf on all 3 of my plants that has this so I don't think its any kind of bug. Any insight helps on what this problem can be?
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    Topping mother plants

    the plants are gonna be kept in veg so i can clip clones whenever i want to flower. how do i manage the size of these girls?
  9. G

    Topping mother plants

    Yo everyone, i have 3 mother plants that are getting a little too big for my closet. How would I go about topping the plants? How do I control the height? Any advice helps. Thanks so much!
  10. G

    humidity problem with pics.

    yea i realized that the thermometer i'm using is a piece of shit. there is no way that my humidity is at 20% with the humidifier on fullblast. i dont really like the in/out mode on the thermometer. its time to invest in a new one. any suggestions on what brand/model to get?
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    humidity problem with pics.

    i put the dome on the clones but not one change in the humidity. im really starting to doubt my thermometer
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    humidity problem with pics.

    here's what i did to try to solve the humidity problem. i put the thermometer probe under the cup to see if it did anything.
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    humidity problem with pics.

    for sure. the plants are definately still small enough for me to put the cup over them. thanks so much. should i be treating them like regular clones at this point? (ie. keeping the cup over them and letting them breathe a few times a day?) they've been under the light for about a week and a...
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    humidity problem with pics.

    worrrrrrd. so i kinda want to get it somewhat "steamy" in there right?
  15. G

    humidity problem with pics.

    Im doing a small grow in a 2x2 closet with 430w. hps light. my temp is kicking it around 75-80 but my humidity is only at 20% i even put a humidifier in there on full blast and it didn't do anything. any suggestions to get my humidity up a little bit? the plants do not seem to be struggling...
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    Dj short bluberry 430w. (pics)

    here are a few more pics...
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    Dj short bluberry 430w. (pics)

    Doing my first grow of DJ Short's infamous blueberry. I am going to be doing the vegging in my room and flowering using the sea of green method at my buddy's spot under a 600W HPS. I am using FoxFarm Ocean Soil and FoxFarm Grow Big nutrients. I had a few questions as far as the veg process goes...
  18. G

    Keeper Of Genetics Updated Frequently With Pics

    worrrddddd. would you recommend using that rooting formula when i do eventually cut them?
  19. G

    Keeper Of Genetics Updated Frequently With Pics

    thanks so much growinman. so you would recommend using TB only instead of BB? or a little bit of both?