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  1. neonjesus88

    Cherry pie seeds?

    Does anyone know of a site the sells cherry pie seeds? I considered trying to pheno hunt and make my own but was wondering if it was out there.
  2. neonjesus88

    Cooking oil shelf life?

    Thanks for all the info... I'm in the process of going on an extended road trip cross country and didn't want to run into troubles finding what i need in the road.
  3. neonjesus88

    Outdoor hydro?

    I myself have had the same thoughts... Theoretically you should get monsters i would think but i have no practice with it.
  4. neonjesus88

    harvest idea good or bad?

    I'm a very new grower and all but I would assume its at least worth a shot right?
  5. neonjesus88

    Cooking oil shelf life?

    That's what i was thinking....
  6. neonjesus88

    Cooking oil shelf life?

    So I'm about to be going on an extended road trip and was wondering which type of canna-oil has the best shelf life. It will be a Campervan trip so I'm also wondering if there are any that can be kept at room temp without troubles.
  7. neonjesus88

    How many pounds should I get?

    Science YO!!
  8. neonjesus88

    Height control

    Fabulous!! Very glad to know i won't have to destroy my first successful grow!!!
  9. neonjesus88

    Height control

    I don't know the exact height of the fence but I'm 6 ft and can see over it. It's a 2.5 gallon pot if that means anything and I believe I'm looking at another 50 days of flower or so.
  10. neonjesus88

    Height control

    So I am a bit worried about my girl becoming taller than my fence in the following months. I was just wondering if it were possible to mainline it in the beginning of flower. The stem is quite thick so I hope its not too late.
  11. neonjesus88

    Plant won't flower!!

    Literally went to go observe the branching and I believe I have found two tiny pistols towards the top!! It's funny how when i check it this morning I didn't seem to notice it.
  12. neonjesus88

    Plant won't flower!!

    Also I'm in Sacto so the light has been below 14 hours for a bit now. I don't know if that matters.
  13. neonjesus88

    Plant won't flower!!

    Im still seeing nothing... Is this once again impatience or a bigger problem? Let's say i saw the first pre-flowers on Tuesday when i posted this, how long is reasonable to wait before i can worry and trouble shoot.
  14. neonjesus88

    Plant won't flower!!

    It is an outdoor plant... I appreciate everything and wanted to check if I was beibg impatient or not. I shall be patient and see thanks all!!!
  15. neonjesus88

    Plant won't flower!!

    So I have a seed that i started on july 1 and it has yet to flower or show any preflowering signs. It was a seed i got from a bag of fruity pebbles og. I took some pictures but they are not very clear. Just wondering if maybe I did something wrong...
  16. neonjesus88

    Help with plants!!

    I guess they appear to still be growing tiny new leaves just slowly. The bits of yellowing leaves have stayed to a sad light green shade.
  17. neonjesus88

    Help with plants!!

    They are not showing signs of dying or recovery yet really so I'm not exactly sure.
  18. neonjesus88

    Help with plants!!

    Well I have every fan I own circulating the air so now I just play the waiting game... Now the fun begins of watching soil dry!!
  19. neonjesus88

    Help with plants!!

    Yea they did have quite a few roots from the start. I guess my steps now are carefully putting the roots back in combined with letting it dry out a shit load.
  20. neonjesus88

    Help with plants!!

    I noticed this morning that some of the plants have a root or two poking from the drainage holes. Is this from the over watering? Should I do anything or just let them dry out? They are clones a purchased a week and 1 day ago is it okay for the roots to have gone that far down while still...