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  1. new2thegame

    nz backyard grow!!!

    I wish i had cool friends that threw away starving plants to put in my back yard. Just because it a sweet thing saving a bud worthy plants anytime, anywhere.
  2. new2thegame

    People found my plants!!!!!

    This is what you have to do. Those plants are like little children you made and it is your promise to them that you will bring them up safely in this world to become big and strong. Your children have been kidnapped and you must pull some dukes of hazzard call of duty shit to get them back...
  3. new2thegame

    Florida growing? Any tips for the new guy?

    Thanks. Right now they are all in one big pot. I planned on getting those paperlike pots that you can put directly in the ground. Right now they are easy to bring inside if they get a heavy rain.
  4. new2thegame

    Florida growing? Any tips for the new guy?

    I am new to growing and really excited. I have ten plants that I started outdoors. They are about three inches tall and have four leaves each. When should I put them in the ground? Do I have to worry about them getting too much rain? I am new so all input is great. thanks and happy growing!
  5. new2thegame

    First large qauntity outdoor grow

    O yeah soap has a fat in it that RATS love. DONT use soap youl will end up with little rodents everywhere and they love bud too. Happy Growing!
  6. new2thegame

    First large qauntity outdoor grow

    I used to live in Maine and my father used to grow when I was young. Keeping the deer away is rough up north because the population is so high. The best thing is 20lb test fishing line. Set it 1ft, 3ft, and 4ft off the ground. That will def protect your crop and I hope I helped. Happy growing!