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  1. F

    The Importance of pH

    I would say PH because if its not right your ppm wont mean shit due to possible nutrient lockout. But then again ppm of course is important due to the different stages of plant growth. My rule of thumb when using something that I am not really used to using I just use half the recommended dose...
  2. F

    Homemade co2 sprayer

    Somebody please correct me if I am wrong but Co2 is really only effective if you can give the plants prolonged exposure at a rate of 1500ppm while the lights are on and a sealed environment. Average natural Co2 in your house is usually around 200-300ppm range. Some where I have read that those...
  3. F

    Wife said to get rid of the smell or get rid of the plants!

    I would love to think that his wife has read this thread and cussed at everyone who said get rid of the wife. LMAO Bet hes like "Honey they are just joking" But really man its not that bad of a idea. LMAO :finger: wifey!!!