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  1. J

    How much longer?

    I'd say it has been 8 or 9 weeks from soil. Hairs are starting to amber a bit, but most are still white. Is fluffy bad? or just means a long way to go? First time growing, so any advice would be awesome.
  2. J

    How much longer?

    Wonderin how much longer this baby is gunna take..
  3. J

    Auto Flowering Light Question

    I have some plants running that I let veg for a month on 18/6, then switched to 12/12 to flower. I know they would have flowered on their own eventually, but I figured what the hell. They have been on 12/12 for a month now and they are doing fine; however, I'm running out of time. This was my...
  4. J

    Flash Babylon Auto.....First attempt with a good seed

    i think your room might be too hot, leaves look like they are curling which could be heat stress
  5. J

    Horrible lighting.. What size yield??

    yea man head over to home depot... my home depot had maxed out at 68 watt cfl's but they were pretty huge and you got some space limitations. but home depot is a life saver, pick up some y-splitters like these guys were saying and put some bigger cfls in there. i bought a 4 pack of 23 w cfls for...
  6. J

    Blue Mystic- First Time - Advise

    obviously heat will go down if i take some lights away, just hoping for a different option
  7. J

    Blue Mystic- First Time - Advise

    Im growing some cabbage-- Blue Mystic Autos. First time growing cabbage, got 3 going. I'm having some temperature issues and have some additional question. Here's the setup. I have a 400/250 watt HPS Air Cooled Hood (using 400w), and then they're surrounded by 300 watts of CFL's in different...
  8. J

    Is my plant just over watered or something worse? PLEASE REPLY

    yea it's good to mist your plants when theyre hot, but you cant let the water sit to long on those babies.
  9. J

    Is my plant just over watered or something worse? PLEASE REPLY

    i've had success with MG, but my suggestion would be to look up your nearest hydroponic store and make the 10 minute extra drive, definitely worth it. first time i hit one of those stores up it was like i was 5 yrs old in the candy shop. you can get some nice fox farm soil for a few bucks extra...
  10. J

    First grow help

    Alright I got a 400 w HPS hood reflector and the thing is hot! Temps are reading 105 with no fans, and about 90 when I turn two fans full blast. I'm in small closet with no access to a/c or fresh air. How do I my babies down? Also, im mixed up with watering still. seeds have not sprouted how...
  11. J

    First grow w/ pics

    temp at bottom of pot is 81 degrees and temp on top of soil in 95 degrees, is this okay?
  12. J

    First grow w/ pics

    sweet, haha nothing better than tokin a jay and workin on the plants. prior to sprouting ive been told to keep the soil pretty moist... soil has gotten somewhat crispy but ive tried to keep it somewhat damp for most of the time. im running a 20/4 light cycle right now, should i be doing anything...
  13. J

    First grow w/ pics

    alright thanks for the help man, appreciate it
  14. J

    First grow w/ pics

    Alright thanks! Any quick tips on watering?
  15. J

    First grow w/ pics

    Planted two blue mystic autoflowering seeds. One seed in organic Miracle Grow and one in moisture control Miracle Grow. Just planted them on Wednesday Lights Two 68 watt CFL at 4200 lumens Two 30 watt CFL at 3500 lumens Two 23 watt CFL at 4200 lumens I have two T8 light fixtures, I'm not using...
  16. J

    First Time Help!

    okay so i upgraded the lights a little bit but im still not sure if it's enough. heres a pic 2 cfls at 23 watts 2 cfls at 30 watts 1 cfl at 65 watt 4 4' T8 fluorescent bulbs 32 watts
  17. J

    First Time Help!

    I went out and bought another CFL, and planted another seed only this time I germinated it. Do I have enough wattage going on here for two plants?
  18. J

    First Time Help!

    What's goin on guys, I need some help here. I was searching the web stoned as shit and ended up ordering some seeds from europe.. Didn't expect them to, but they came so I decided to start growing in my basemnt. I got some auto-flowering, feminized seeds then decided to run over to Wal-Mart and...