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  1. S

    end of week 2 of flowering

    idiot WHy would i water with sugar water for my last watering, Because a healthy plant sucks all that up and causes the bud to tast better once harvested. ANY Formula you get that is suppose to be used for the last watering before you harvest the plant is basiclly SUGAR WATER IDIOT. so go do...
  2. S

    end of week 2 of flowering

    picked up a great TIP, after you flush the plants, for the very last watering you should: step 1. water with a cup to a 20 oz of water, ehough to get the soil wet but not soaked, or you can flush again with a gallon or two of water, doesn't matter, just depends on if you think there is still to...
  3. S

    do i need to have a fan on 24 7

    I have heard using a inch or so of perlite on the top of the soil will help with funguis and bactiera build up in the soil.
  4. S

    do i need to have a fan on 24 7

    YES, have a fan on 24/7 especially when flushing if you don't want to risk getting bud rot and fungus, that can easily build up in damp dark places. A dehumidifier is also helpful and if the humidity in the room is kept low enough, then u shouldn't have to worry to much as long as there is...
  5. S

    The color of my dreams

    I Know someone that as tried something similar to this but they said to flush the plant 1 to 2 weeks before harvest with like at least 6 gallons of water, let the soil dry all the way up, and then add the half gallon of grape juice (i guess mixed with like some water. and then let the soil dry...