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  1. G

    2 default and 1 FIMming

    Hi, I`m planning to grow 3 white widows, 2 of them just as normal plants :D and one of them - with FIMming method so that all m2 is grown with plant.. And all those 3 plants in one place..would it be a good idea? I want to use 250 MH/HPS.. How much G`s I could have (dried) ..and where could I...
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    some questions

    Someone? C`mon !!!!
  3. G

    some questions

    Hi :) How are you? I wanted to ask.. I`m looking for strains that produces big, puffy and light (not heavy) buds.. Of cource high THC level. Some strains from "high" and some from "stoned". And one of the main point - is a big yielder. Plant size - all sizes.. what do u think about automatics...
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    12/12 for 1 week

    What about CHURCH and BIG BANG!
  5. G

    12/12 for 1 week is outdoor I did put my plants in to black bags (12/12 period) for more than a week and now when white hair appeared everywhere..can I just leave them for light period what it is outside.. Question is - can I now don`t use black bags?
  6. G

    The UK Growers Thread!

    You should be happy, in Latvia 1 gram cost - 12.5$ (UK value) :D And 10 grams - 75 - 85& (UK value), some months ago i was buying shit, it was wet and also some grams missed. But now I found new spot where to buy, and weed is perfectly dried and no G`s missin`.
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    Hi everyone :) If plants becomes hermophrodite, can I cut seeds off to get more buds.. What should I do to get buds from hermie :( :D
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    Forced 12/12 2 Plants Grow Journal

    One of them looks unhealthy, but anyway nice :)
  9. G

    whats the safest butane to make hash oil

    Ronson, Sunport, Joker. butane..whuuuh :D try it to inhale, 10x more blooody shit as from salvia divinorum :D
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    Problem with my plants leafs ?

    I heard that in this case they need more fresh air ..
  11. G

    People found my plants!!!!!

    Did You get them?