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  1. C

    Nutmeg High

    Alrighty, I'v done a wholeeee shit load of reasearching for this, but tonight im going to do it. I will let you know of my reports after. In detail. :):mrgreen:
  2. C

    Growing Just A Little Weed

    Thankyou. Much more simplified. What do you mean by ned more stuff tho? and also where can i get seeds? can i use the ones out of the weed i buy?
  3. C

    Has Anyone tried Smoking Marijuana Leaves?

    I would smoke a joint but I dont have one. : (
  4. C

    How old where you when you first started smoking marijuana?

    Im just interested on whos out there is all. I started when I was 12. I'v been smoking a dime bag every week for the past 6 years.
  5. C

    My mom & weed

    When I was 12 My mom found by home made bong and just left it there. I didn't know if she saw it but she acted like she didn't. Then We got in a fight later on in the week and she used it agaisnt me. It was pretty un-fair since she haden't aproached me aobut how I was smoking and just used it...
  6. C

    Growing Just A Little Weed

    Ok, so Im not the most smartest person out there if you know what im saying, so I really dont get the tecnical terms they are all using and stuff. I ust want to have one little plant for my self. I dont want to be like a dealer of anything. I just want enough for me, which i only smoke about...
  7. C

    How To Grow Marijuana -By:

    Ok, so Im not the most smartest person out there if you know what im saying, so I really dont get the tecnical terms they are all using and stuff. I ust want to have one little plant for my self. I dont want to be like a dealer of anything. I just want enough for me, which i only smoke about...