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  1. R

    Slow Clone Growth and Yellowish Leaves

    the lights were just a few feet but thought it might have been too hot, so raised them to maybe 3.5 ft above them. I just talked to the guy at the Hydro store and he thinks I'm having problems due to the gnats and tap water. I got worm castings and bat guano and Gnatrol for the gnats which he...
  2. R

    Slow Clone Growth and Yellowish Leaves

    its just an organic potting soil with perlite, i've been giving it nuts, I hope I didn't give it too much, and I started foiler feeding, which is new to me, I've just never had yellowing and drooping like this, this early on, I'm wondering if its a N deficiency and thought about finding guano to...
  3. R

    Slow Clone Growth and Yellowish Leaves

    [/ATTACH][/ATTACH] I have 10 clones ( different varieties) growing in my medium sized closet under 2 hood with a combined wattage of 650 ( combo of HPS and MH). They are about on their 4th week of growing and they seem stunted...not as tall as they should be. Several of the leaves are yellowish...