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  1. lozone

    bud inch worms making havoc

    I am also in the same situation. I had the same problem last year and lost some good bud because of these @#%*& ers. What I have been doing this year is to inspect my buds daily. Especially in the morning. The key is to look for any leafs that are looking like they are wilting. They will have...
  2. lozone

    Can I get rid of this taste??

    Thanks to Blaze and Mong. Yes, it is a salty taste. I was blessed with a good yield, so I will try the water cure on some of the bud. If successful, I will let you know. Thanks again!
  3. lozone

    Can I get rid of this taste??

    This is my first grow. My plants have already hung until dry on the outside and I have been drying and curing for about a week. I was given some bad advise on the amount of nutes to put and only once over fertilized. After that, only water. I have been smoking some of the small nuggets and they...
  4. lozone

    How long before they're ready? (2 plants + pics)

    crazy, Nice looking Plants. Your first plant looks like mine 3 weeks ago. Mine have about another 2 weeks left. Your others look about 2 weeks behind that. Yes, the buds will get bigger, so patience is the key. Checking the trichs is the best way to go, as Mother Nature is different everywhere...
  5. lozone

    Welcome New Members!

    Another new person to this awesome site. Kinda got into growing on accident. Last year, I through a seed into a potted plant and it sprouted. This is my second year and I have two beautiful plants that are about to be harvested. Good luck to all new growers.