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  1. G

    Logistics for watering an outdoor garden

    great info,thanks to all.
  2. G

    Logistics for watering an outdoor garden

    We are growing in coco/perlite and our hose water is over 7ph. Hence,we do need to ph our water,indoor or outdoor is not relevant.Ph for coco/perlite s/b low 5 to low 6 range on the ph meter.
  3. G

    Logistics for watering an outdoor garden

    We made a mistake using such large pots,only a few sativa plants amongst the batch. Should have used 15 gallon instead.Not looking to make a profit,only free quality medication. But my question still stands as we need to use lots of water and the larger pots mean more watering,unfortunately.
  4. G

    Logistics for watering an outdoor garden

    How do most of you water your larger outdoor gardens.Do you prepare large amounts of nutriented,ph-ed water all at one time? Do you let the water sit overnight before adding nutes and phing? Is your storage device portable? We have 18 mmj plants growing outdoors,scattered around a sizeable...
  5. G

    Look at whats protecting my baby

    Do big praying mantis bite humans? I've always been afraid of them simply because they are big and aggressive with other insects. They are available online and I'm thinking about putting them on my plants.thanks.