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  1. freshofftheboat

    first timer leaf issues

    i heard water droplets are like lil magnifiers mixed with light can burn leaves so i just poor my plants water onto the soil.
  2. freshofftheboat

    first timer leaf issues

    So i had a gnat problem and i let the soil dry out and did the whole h2o2 treatment and threw up a couple sticky cards. since then ive let the top few layers of soil get bone dry before watering everytime. now one of my leaves has an odd sploch. also this plant is a clone and an original leaf is...
  3. freshofftheboat

    Need advice for baby clone. first timer

    i like the shower rod idea, and theirs a lil fan. top right in pic too. ya ive been considering mylar but havent got out to getting any yet. thanks for the input
  4. freshofftheboat

    Need advice for baby clone. first timer

    oh and my cfl bulb is 13 watt but equivalent to 100 watt bulb does that make a diffrence
  5. freshofftheboat

    Need advice for baby clone. first timer

    "To harvest a qp, your gna want to supercrop and Top (look it up, its easy) and Vegg for closer to 2 months with some quality nitrogen nutes." ya i checked supercroping out and gonna give it a shot for sure, read a lot of good stuff about it, thanks for the tips kells049.. ^ quality...
  6. freshofftheboat

    Need advice for baby clone. first timer

    You are going to want to learn a training tequnique like Topping, FIM-ing, SOG, SCROG, mainlining. That way you can learn to keep your canopy pretty even in height. I would suggest starting with Topping, its pretty easy and will really increase your yield especially if you go the florescent...
  7. freshofftheboat

    Need advice for baby clone. first timer

    so is the ventilation cool? and what type bulbs for the t5
  8. freshofftheboat

    Need advice for baby clone. first timer

    plus the bigger closet has bi-fold doors(had to look that up, weird doors), if that makes any difference
  9. freshofftheboat

    Need advice for baby clone. first timer

    right now im only growing one, and the most ill ever really want to grow at one time would be 3 im not too sure, is half pound unreasonable, maybe quarter for all the work, but the more the irier, i've seen pounds come from outdoor, but the grower was also very experienced. and how often, every...
  10. freshofftheboat

    Need advice for baby clone. first timer

    I have family who grows and they said they use anything from 7 gal to 10 and bigger the better so i went with 10 just looked up 1000w hps, quite spendy.. shoot.. and i dont know what im gonna put it under. i was kinda hopping i could just buy more bulbs and sockets as i went along. With the...
  11. freshofftheboat

    Need advice for baby clone. first timer

    Ok, so i bought a clone from the dispensary and I want to buy what I need for my plant as I go. So far I have her in a 4 gallon pot, recently transplanted from the lil plastic cup thing it came in. I wanted to go straight to 10 gallon, cause i hear too many transplants can shock the plant but...