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  1. J

    Anyone ever grow outdoors in Florida?

    I usually keep them close by my house and move them around in the sun and hide them at night until they get a little larger and stronger then I move them out to my spot.
  2. J

    First outdoor grow - Florida

    It's a little to far to reveg at the moment. Thanks.
  3. J

    Anyone ever grow outdoors in Florida?

    Western Central Florida here. The rain's good for it and I have no problems.
  4. J

    First outdoor grow - Florida

    That is totally off-topic. I'm asking how far into flowering she is, she's not going back to veg it's been too long and i made sure the lighting's only for half the day. I want an early crop.
  5. J

    First autoflower grow! [Auto Acid]

    Well I'm pretty pissed, the tap root popped out and it never grew anymore after that. I put it in the soil and left it and still no results, so I dug it up only to find the tap root like died off. Never buying from Paradise seeds again.
  6. J

    First outdoor grow - Florida

    Here's two more pictures of her. Any tips or tricks to increase the yield at this point in time? Should I do any pruning?
  7. J

    First autoflower grow! [Auto Acid]

    After it popped out it seemed like it wasn't growing at all. I threw it in the soil, I hope it grows.
  8. J

    First autoflower grow! [Auto Acid]

    Well the tap root was still in the same position it was before and nothing has changed. I'm hoping this seed isn't a bad one cause I only purchased one.
  9. J

    First outdoor grow - Florida

    Yes I was standing over them. There's a few spots that doesn't get direct sunlight in my spot but I usually move them. About how far into flowering do you think she is? I never really recorded when she started (and didn't really think of it at the time, just kind of left her out) and I'd like...
  10. J

    First outdoor grow - Florida

    The first two are the four I've planted in the ground already, I used a little bit of store bought soil and mixed it in with the excess dirt from my hole. (It's mid-grade it doesn't really matter, I'm saving the soil for the better plants). The third picture is two that I just moved out there...
  11. J

    First outdoor grow - Florida

    Well I had to move some really small ones in, about 3 are thriving and doing good, I'm about to go out and plant the 4 that are in the single pot in separate ones.
  12. J

    First outdoor grow - Florida

    Well obviously. I meant take the pot that's empty, fill it, and put a single plant in it.
  13. J

    First outdoor grow - Florida

    I may leave a few in pots but most of them are in holes. I have like 6 plants in holes around my area but they're pretty small, I don't expect them to live.
  14. J

    First outdoor grow - Florida

    They didn't seem to be mixed up, I just moved the one's in the far bottom picture. Next time I head out to my spot I'm going to put one of the larger ones in the top picture in the pot that's empty and move the others into the ground. Here's two more of my babies, and a small green crack...
  15. J

    First outdoor grow - Florida

    I already know about all the pests, and I've read a little about bud rot but I'll look it up.
  16. J

    First outdoor grow - Florida

    I'm transplanting them when they get a little bigger, I'm limited on pots.
  17. J

    First outdoor grow - Florida

    This is my first outdoor grow but unlike most people I know a little about what I'm doing. I've read so much and even had an indoor plant (ran a cheap bulb and didn't really care after awhile, just left it), but it turned male. I've never tried and put my time into having a successful harvest...
  18. J

    Do you fill your holes full of store soil??

    If you feel like your plants may reach the other soil that isn't store bought when growing then you may want to mix a little bit of ground soil into your store mix. When the roots reach the regular soil they'd probably get a massive shock.
  19. J

    Aphids! (I think)

    Get SevinDust or any kind of tomato insecticide, just sprinkle it right on your babies and they'll go away. I had something munching on my leaves about a month ago, I used it once and haven't had problems since.
  20. J

    First autoflower grow! [Auto Acid]

    Well the tap root has yet to totally come out, it seems to be folded over and it's hanging out of the seed, I'm hoping it'll pop off and grow normally. I planted it in the soil and am hoping for the best. :neutral: