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  1. R

    i usto have dominate sativa plant but i smokked it all . rightnow im growing Dro in soil tho not...

    i usto have dominate sativa plant but i smokked it all . rightnow im growing Dro in soil tho not hydrophoniclly. do you grow? and around were chicago do you stay by?
  2. R

    how much does weed cost around where you live?!?!?!?!?

    in chicago theres nothing like that. no topnotch bud only mids dro and kush . i can tell what it is by the smell and looks . you guys wanna see the streets i live at? go to youtube and put gangland the devils playground. thats my hood!!!! :D
  3. R

    hey whats up wat part of chicago do you live in bro? i stay around pilsen

    hey whats up wat part of chicago do you live in bro? i stay around pilsen
  4. R

    how much does weed cost around where you live?!?!?!?!?

    lol im pretty sure his talking about my weed gnome grown but yea its not all that bad gets me pretty high with bong hits i never smoke out of rolling paper burns bud. i do sometimes smoke out of blunts how bout u guys?????????? i paid 45 for a half oz 14 grams
  5. R

    Get my Pussy High

    yo just give dat fuckker some catnip bro!!! gets dem high
  6. R

    how much does weed cost around where you live?!?!?!?!?

    nice. so who would you guys say gets a better deal from all of the above?
  7. R

    how much does weed cost around where you live?!?!?!?!?

    yea our weed really suck mad ASS its always mids or brick brick. kush around here goes for 20 a gram and dro as well but u get more so im usually a dro man.
  8. R

    how much does weed cost around where you live?!?!?!?!?

    around here a gram goes for 5 bux . a dime bag is 2 gams etc a quater oz goes for 25 or 30 if good . they weight 7 grams a half Oz goes for 40 or 50 if good. they weight 14 grams a whole Oz is 100. they weight 28 grams that's how its solled in Chicago let me know how it is were you live...