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  1. BatBoy515

    Day 55 W/ Pics, Should i Flush?

    Was just bouncing around CFL grow forums and saw this plant...KICK ASS JOB man. agree w/most others to give her 15-20 more days and you should have some FaT buds. Never did a CFL hydro grow but this has me thinking :) Nice job I will be starting a CFL grow journal in 2-3 days, or as soon as...
  2. BatBoy515

    second cfl grow - aurora indica

    Hello friend from IA....I am no pro but I have had MANY succ. outdoor grows and some not to shabby indoor CFL's. Planning on starting a journal in a day or so, as soon as my seeds sprout(a plug for all those who are judging my answer :) Stay tuned to my journal if you want to follow my...