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  1. realm13th

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    I thought this was a thread for beginners. I've been browsing this site for some time before I made any configurations. Granted I am still new to diy led, but it is just a hobby. I have 3 builds using artic alpine 11's and the hlg 185's, using vero 29's that work well for me. I'm not trying to...
  2. realm13th

    DiY LEDs - How to Power Them

    Does anyone have any knowledge about running 4 X vero29 v2 3000K on an the inventronic 2.1A 320W 152V part # EUC-320S210DT. Would this give you about 80W/ light?
  3. realm13th

    7" Square Pot Soil SOG; 600w Closet Grow

    Thanks DSB65. I thought about grow bags, but want to have square containers to maximize my small floor space. I wonder if they make square grow bags?
  4. realm13th

    7" Square Pot Soil SOG; 600w Closet Grow

    The cheapest I found the 7" pots for was $2, but I might try different sizes to dial it in. 6 600's is a nice set up! do you take your cuttings at 3" or so?
  5. realm13th

    7" Square Pot Soil SOG; 600w Closet Grow

    Here are some pics off my first grow. The first one is the sage n sour bush and the other two are the harvested blueberry. Both grown in one gallon pots which I think are too small for a long veg, but yield wasn't bad for my first go around...
  6. realm13th

    7" Square Pot Soil SOG; 600w Closet Grow

    Thanks for the response Medhead. I was thinking of getting a couple of shallow tray like containers to lift the 16 plants that are in earliest flower. Haven't figured that part out quite yet. plus, the sage n' sour goes a little longer than the other 2 indicas, so I have two concerns with my...
  7. realm13th

    7" Square Pot Soil SOG; 600w Closet Grow

    Hi everybody, this is my first post on RIU. I've been lurking here for about 3 months and have almost 3 small closet grows under my belt. So far I have been using a combination of Fox Farms Soil with their Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom nutrients. My past grows have been 6 - 8 plants per grow of...