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    hash oil and wax

    recently I've been makin hash oil and wax with butane x5 refined and I use hot pyrex dish full of boiling water and I put the other pyrex dish with hash oil on top to evaporate more of butane fo 10mins then I cook the hash oil for 3 min on medium heat to get out the remaining butane anyone have...
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    hash oil and wax

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    auto flowering strains

    can you grow them outdoor anytime of the year?
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    droopy plants

    hello everyone I usually wate my plants evey 2 days because of heat I have 6 plants in 10 gallons but my smallest one the 3 and half foot jedi kush plant has been drooping all this mourning after I watered it the rest are all trying strive for the sun expect this one which I don't undestand I...
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    topping and lollipopping.

    hello everyone I lollipop my 3 foot outdoor week and a half ago and just topped it today in two aeas where it was growing to big.. But I was wondeing if that's alot stess on a plant o not it's fairly big.. ( when I lollipop it I only took off two of lowe weak banches )
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    male plants can you make hash oil out of them.

    hello eveyone all my plants went into first day flowering so I found out which ones ae males and I have 2 5 foot males in trashbag is worth making oils :o!
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    torn roots

    no there not flowering some haven't even showed pre sex flowers yet I hope they flower soon or I'm have to top them there almost creepin past my fence O.O haha thanks fo info to to !
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    10 gallon pot rootbound?

    I have all my plant in 10 gallon fo outdoor it's my first year doing outdo seeds and there all about 3 and half feet and I can see oot hitting the top on the bucket when I check the soils mostiue I see them and I was told a foot per gallon ? Is it even ootbound?
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    torn roots

    hello everyone I was checkin the soil wettness with my finger and I felt oot on top soil and accenditly tore few my plant is almost 3ft and I tore one little root on top on soil will it be fine :(
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    Co2 Extracted Concentrait.

    hello everyone I have a 5 pounds of trim from my uncle up north and I was wondering how I can do Co2 extacted wax and hash because my friend recently had some nitro co2 og wax and he threw some of that stuff on skillet fo me and two skillet tokes I was damn faded. And I heard co2 extacted has no...
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    floweing summer plant!...

    hello RIU I have a clone of blue dream since april and it has flowered since may and now it will not reveg and it's june 24 it's deep in floweing nugs ae almosted developed so my main question is will it eveg that far in stage of floweing o just finsh off, I'm guessin I got a indoo clone that's...
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    mutant plant!!

    hello everyone I would love post picture of my plant to help you more but, unfortunally my internet is down and I'm using my phone to post this but, anyways I got this clone may 5 from my caretaker it's been outside ever since but the only thing I was trippen on is he gave me flowering blue...
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    Potted Plants to the Ground

    hello everyone I got 4 jedi kush plants in quater gallon pot and there about 8 inchs in there almost month old, in foxfarm soil but, recently I got laid off so I really don't have income to buy 4 20gallons worth of the soil so I was wonderin if I can go get some natural native soil I know...
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    Transplanting Out of Thick Hydrostore Buckets

    hello everyone I was wondering what methods to transplant ot of the thick plastic? Do I cut it? Please help :)
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    It's Been 2 Weeks Still Induced in Flowering

    hello everyone my caretaker gave me free clones for my purchase and he gave me a raskal og and blue dream they been outside in socal weather for 2 weeks! I still see signs of flowering white hairs.. It hasn't even grown much ethier besides past 2 days it's been trying grow more leaves..... Are...
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    Flowering Outdoor Clones

    end of july early august
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    Flowering Outdoor Clones

    hello everyone I had some questions about flowerin clones I received 2 from my caretaker didn't give me much info on them besides strain blue dream n raskal og but, he said there flowerin but I can put them outside and they'll reveg since it's only may 4th in socal... So what do you guys think...
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    flowerin clones

    hello rollitup what's going on! I had few questions for you expert growers... I recently was handed these flowering clones ( barely in stages just white hairs no bud production there abiut 5 inchs big a blue dream and raskal og, ii live in socal so I put them outdoors to start growing will they...
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    spider mite or...?

    hello rollitup I went to check up on my 2 week old seedlings that are located in the garage before I did setup I bleached/water solution the floor than sprayed the "one month insect repel" around my 4x4 area for aracnids three times separate days. So today I went in garage and found a yellow...
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    hello rollitup I had question about transplanting recently I used a plastic cup for my seedling sprouted from this 12 oz bottle that I cut in half, than yesterday I saw roots hittin bottom of the cup so I just grabbed a razor and cut the very bottom off will that work? Than I put it in 1...