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  1. D

    SOG growers wanted !!!

    I have just built A Flood and Drain System.. I will have my first lot in a few weeks... I'm making a video for youtube.. about how i built it.. and how it works.. I will post some pics on here too.. How do i join your group Then? <-:KeepSmoking:->
  2. D

    Why did I get such a low yield?!

    :joint:ezy I just made a small flood & drain system.. how many times a day should i flood it? and does the flow need to change for veg and flower? I've used coco in the past and i'm a newb to the hydroponics. also I use a CF stick to check the nute>anywhere i can get a chart to know the best CF...
  3. D

    Flush with SWEET?

    I heard Using Lemonade boiled till the fizz is gone and cooled.. then add to water 1L to 9L.. Not Tried It But An HippyDude Told Me... HaHaHa