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  1. L

    Dr Who is right! ... Rx Green Technologies Report

    " I'm just a dumb dumb so what do I know anyway I’m sorry I didn’t mean you were dumb, nobody here is dumb You can see that the plant stores nutrients in its leaves and stems, when there are deficiencies it cannibalizes it’s own stores, resulting in yellow leaves in a nitrogen deficiency...
  2. L

    Dr Who is right! ... Rx Green Technologies Report

    Dust is not really soluble. Also, why would it go to 1000 ppm then to 500 ppm on second soaking of the dried material My grow space isn’t dirty like that anyway. Grime? Lol Why are people so emotionally tied to this no-flushing thing? There are clearly a number of variables here but if...
  3. L

    Dr Who is right! ... Rx Green Technologies Report

    that’s fine bro It’s just it absolutely is a thing Grow your flowers with salts. Don’t flush. Soak your unflushed buds for 12 hours. Let me know what your ppms are.
  4. L

    Dr Who is right! ... Rx Green Technologies Report

    Dude I’m just trying to be light hearted You dum dum lol Seriously though the vitriol and disrespect from the “non-flushers” is frankly retarded. Y’all are way overconfident. Or maybe bored. Also new guy? Lol I’ve been growing professionally for the last 15 years. You guys need to literally...
  5. L

    Dr Who is right! ... Rx Green Technologies Report

    Omg here You guys Ive been doing this a while now and there ABSOLUTELY is a difference in taste and burn when you flush. I’ve also taken a quarter pound of dried flower that wasnt flushed and tasted bitter and soaked it. Guess what? After 5 hours the ppm of the water (approx 4gal) went to over...
  6. L

    If veg NPK is 3-1-2 then wtf are most nutes no where near?

    Haha well yeah It’s just some people were saying “these nutrient companies don’t know what they’re doing, why should we listen to them” And obviously yeah, they’re selling us water But their ratios are pretty much on point
  7. L

    If veg NPK is 3-1-2 then wtf are most nutes no where near?

    You guys The whole damn reason they have a part A (Veg nutrient) with more potassium is that these two-part nutrients are meant to be used all the way through into flowering. You will need that pk boost during EARLY FLOWER, when you are transitioning into bloom. Like weeks 1-3 of flower You...