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  1. [BionicChronic]

    Two Heads Are Better Than One=]

    maybe 4 or 6 heads=]] instead of 2...
  2. [BionicChronic]

    Two Heads Are Better Than One=]

    9 days later....:peace::peace:and fresh outta the hospital=]]]
  3. [BionicChronic]

    Two Heads Are Better Than One=]

    ya this baby is kickin ass man...yes=]
  4. [BionicChronic]

    Two Heads Are Better Than One=]

    hhahaha thats my toes lol. ahaha. but ya. major growth in like only 4days. im trippin
  5. [BionicChronic]

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    hell ya. man. fuckkkk. hell yes i would. send me a sampler=] hehe jk but like ya my leafs are getting dark. and that shit looks tastey=]
  6. [BionicChronic]

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    hell ya. i kno what your going threw. i didnt see my plants for 5 days cuz i was in the hospital. and i was shocked to see the resuaLTS WHEN I GOT HOME=/ MY BAD ABOUT MY BULLSHIT YO.
  7. [BionicChronic]

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    man didnt i tell you. that was just one right? your probally gonna have like 260 total when all the plants are drie.
  8. [BionicChronic]

    Two Heads Are Better Than One=]

    5.0 weeks for the baby. about to wait till she starts to fill in=]
  9. [BionicChronic]

    Two Heads Are Better Than One=]

    well here she is. i been in the hospital over my life. but well here ya go. tell me what you think.:joint::peace:
  10. [BionicChronic]

    Two Heads Are Better Than One=]

    3.5 weeks. why??
  11. [BionicChronic]

    Two Heads Are Better Than One=]

    im sorry guys that i havent been on. been in the hospital with a bursted appendixx and had to get it removed. it was nasty yo. but ill have pics up of the baby tomamrow. plz come back and check it out. she got bigggg
  12. [BionicChronic]

    Two Heads Are Better Than One=]

    well ist all goood man. well im not gonna be on for a few days. gotta go to the hospital...idk what i got but its back. im in soo much pain man.
  13. [BionicChronic]

    Two Heads Are Better Than One=]

    yes that tube is a flouresent but only putting out 1000 lumens. i think a 15 watter or someshit... not bad. but thats the 2 splitters. take one splitter and screw it in the other splitter and then put in to the watever your using for your bulbs...
  14. [BionicChronic]

    Two Heads Are Better Than One=]

    well my homie told me 6.1 is the safe zone. but ya kno ill put some pics up tomamrow and the next day and we should see some growth. just transplanted her. hopefully she aint stressed out by it.
  15. [BionicChronic]

    Two Heads Are Better Than One=]

    oh for sure man. hopefully we will have some more pics soon if i didnt over nutt her. lol. i added some nutes today. PH is 6.2 bad or good?
  16. [BionicChronic]

    Two Heads Are Better Than One=]

    if anyone knos how i should set my lights up better. let me kno=]
  17. [BionicChronic]

    Two Heads Are Better Than One=]

    :twisted::mrgreen:list of lights....2 42 watt cfls. from walmart. fuck homedepot. i got 4 30 watt cfls. you guys can check out the pics and we will see pics of every other day growth. im starting to feed this bitch too. so keep this thread in mind and check...:peace:
  18. [BionicChronic]

    Two Heads Are Better Than One=]

    well im using 6 bulbs. the top 2 that is supporting my female is 2 42 watt cfls...witch i agree i should get like 3 more of thos. i got on the side 2 30 watt cfls on both sides. and well ill post some pics up. just transplanted the baby=]
  19. [BionicChronic]

    Two Heads Are Better Than One=]

    hey whats up man. thanks for takin a simple minute to check it out.:peace::mrgreen:
  20. [BionicChronic]

    Two Heads Are Better Than One=]

    my topped baby at 1 month old and lookin great=] tell mewhat you think. will update with pics eveyother day...seriously....:joint::joint::peace: