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  1. C

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hiya peeps, i,m payin 20 an "eighth" the weights are short n it's often full o stalk but there's nowt else on the go! resins been a waste o time in my opinion since around 2004/2005 have put a white widow out in the woods n so far doin well cept a wee bit of insect damage, fingers x'd
  2. C

    holes and rips in my leaves

    nice one cheers buddy
  3. C

    HELP! WTF is this!?

    that m8 is botritis aka bud mould, i've had it several times n always chopped down if its bad, dont smoke it it reeks
  4. C

    holes and rips in my leaves

    when ye say soap n water mix, what kind o soap is best? i,ve just been to check on my white widow in the woods n she growin well but has holes all over!!! this is my 1st outdoor grow as my mrs wont let me grow in the house since r daughter was born!!