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  1. C

    Take A Gander Over Yonder...Comments/Advice Please!

    your doing good considering conditions. Next time use small pots at first and give them loads of light(closer, which you already know). Keep up the good work and enjoy :D
  2. C

    NL 4 & 1/2 weeks into floweing

    good news, sorted out some things so I'll be able to wait till their fully ripe before I harvest :D
  3. C

    NL 4 & 1/2 weeks into floweing

    cool. yeah i'm drying at a mates so I have that covered.
  4. C

    NL 4 & 1/2 weeks into floweing

    Yeah they really are, are you growing them too? Like there's literally no smell and I'm 5 weeks into flowering as I said.
  5. C

    NL 4 & 1/2 weeks into floweing

    yeah I'm gonna hold off for as long as I can, smell is my biggest issue because i'm in my parents house so don't want to stink the whole place up. I've barely any pong off mine and their 5 weeks into flowering today... When did yours start to stink grygost?
  6. C

    NL 4 & 1/2 weeks into floweing

    cool thanks grygost, nice to hear from someone with a pure sativa. I'll probably switch mine around the same time you did. Looks like I'm going to have to harvest before the girls are completely ripe =(. Anyone got any advise on what I should do?
  7. C

    NL 4 & 1/2 weeks into floweing

    I just going by what I read in a lot of grow guides. To quote "Use longer dark periods to speed maturity toward the end of the flowering cycle if speed is of the essence. (8-12 days) This will however, reduce total yield."
  8. C

    NL 4 & 1/2 weeks into floweing

    cheers rf, I will do. Hopefully they don't get too big cause I don't have a lot of space left, that could get interesting... :P
  9. C

    NL 4 & 1/2 weeks into floweing

    well I've read in many place that the more darkness during flowering stage then the faster the bud ripens, hence in nature how the light reduces, etc.
  10. C

    NL 4 & 1/2 weeks into floweing

    yup you got it. Any ideas on when I should reduce to 10/14, I'd like under 10 weeks flowering if possible?
  11. C

    NL 4 & 1/2 weeks into floweing

    thanks for all the help. Don't think I'll be able to flower for more than about 10 weeks so maybe in a few weeks I'll increase the darkness hours to make them ripen faster. I know this will decrease my yield but what can ya do, unfortunately it'll have to be done
  12. C

    NL 4 & 1/2 weeks into floweing

    4 months! wow, didn't think they'd be anywhere near that long.
  13. C

    NL 4 & 1/2 weeks into floweing

    Hi all, I have three NL under a 400w HPS, I'm nearly 5 weeks into flowering. I veg'd for 3 weeks because I don't have a huge amount of space. Haven't used nutes at all. They've taken a good bit of abuse as its my first grow. Just looking for an expert opinion on how I am doing. Also, how...
  14. C

    is this plant definitely male?

    wish I could by I'm from Ireland... haha ;-)
  15. C

    is this plant definitely male?

    cool thanks, was just making sure. Not to worry DJ I have three more waiting to be sexed.
  16. C

    is this plant definitely male?

    I'm pretty sure its male but I'm a first time grower so just want to be definite. :)
  17. C

    help diagnose my problems please

    didn't give them any for veg and i'm only breaking them in now. just a fairly basic 10-20-10.
  18. C

    help diagnose my problems please

    okay thanks for the advice. I am a very attentive and enthusiastic grower as its my first grow, I think I was just worried about overwatering so I wasn't giving them enough. Watered last night and they bounced right back up, looking very well again. Thanks for the help Ruiner.
  19. C

    help diagnose my problems please

    there 7 or 8" i think. will the plants survive if I up the water supply?
  20. C

    help diagnose my problems please

    So... I have 4 NL plants about 25 days old, 4 days into flowering. The leaves are starting to droop on the plants, two badly. Some at the bottom are dying off too and I'm not sure what to do. Please help!:sad: