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  1. 9dan1el6

    male or female

    So the last pic I had a question about that little ball well anyway I pulled it off and there was a damn seed I to I killed that fucker I hope it doesn't make my other ladies hermies I would be so disappointed
  2. 9dan1el6

    male or female

    And what does that mean im not the smartest man in the world
  3. 9dan1el6

    male or female

    Just update is this male female or a freaking hermie
  4. 9dan1el6

    male or female

    This is a different plant what would you say about this one is it another beautiful lady let's hope so
  5. 9dan1el6

    male or female

  6. 9dan1el6

    male or female

    I think she is a female let me know if I'm wrong but I hope not and is it to early for its stage or not
  7. 9dan1el6

    need help

    Thank you I will do that
  8. 9dan1el6

    need help

  9. 9dan1el6

    need help

    I was thinking about staying to give them nutes the next time I water thank you thou
  10. 9dan1el6

    need help

    No I literally just watered it before I took the pic I only water them every 2 or even three days
  11. 9dan1el6

    need help

    This baby is only 3 weeks old and dying on me I have not given any nutrients the other babies are doing fine but the little round leaves are dying too
  12. 9dan1el6

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    When would you say I should start feeding Fox farm nutes
  13. 9dan1el6

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Good or bad for 3 weeks from seed