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  1. oncloud1

    Marijuana Cures Cancer

    I have never heard of it curing anything either, however how many times have you tried to cure cancer with it. Its not really marijuana exactly its the THC. I spoke with the guy rick simpson who re discovered this cure. He has a great story and there's a lot of research to support this. There...
  2. oncloud1

    Marijuana Cures Cancer

    I always believed that Marijuana helped with the effects of illness, then I came across this website. and found out that it cures cancer. They have the information on how to make the cure. It's worth checking it out. Might save a life
  3. oncloud1

    3x4 Grow Cab

    For Proper ventilation you will need an inlet fan rated to 60 CFM and an exhaust fan with attached carbon filter rated at 120 cfm. Figure out what fans your going to use before you build the box so that like that you know what size holes to make in your grow box. If heat is a problem make...
  4. oncloud1

    How much will I Yield with this setup

    Ok so i have the follow. 2 600 HPS / MH Lights 1 550 CFM Vortex Fan with Carbon Filter 60 Plant Aero System I plan on growing Chronic in a sea of green method. This is my 4th Grow How Much should this system produce. Im looking for a ball park.
  5. oncloud1

    New Hydroponic System 80 Plants at once

    What do you think of this to grow? Will it work with low rider? Picture below & Website link
  6. oncloud1

    5 Weeks into Veg

    I had a bunch of problems but now everything seem smooth sailing again. Do they look the correct size for 5 weeks in or are they to small? When should i flower for big yields? Thanks
  7. oncloud1

    A lil worried..

    wow you can get nutes at home depot!! $10 There not the best but its something so that they dont die
  8. oncloud1

    Grow masters

    Thank you for the help i flushed out an put 1/4 nutes
  9. oncloud1

    Grow masters

  10. oncloud1

    3 Weeks old, How do they look

    Im going to flower at 3 foot high
  11. oncloud1

    3 Weeks old, How do they look

    There 3 weeks old, i had a bunch of issues in the beginning but after some hard lesson i think i am finally getting he hang of it. What do you think do they look healthy or are they to small?
  12. oncloud1

    I think there dying.. Please Help

    So i need to add more Nutes?
  13. oncloud1

    I think there dying.. Please Help

    They didnt have organics, where i bought this stuff at, so i went with Dyna-Gro. What can i do to save them. If i leave as is will they survive?
  14. oncloud1

    I think there dying.. Please Help

    yeah it was the first feeding, How can i correct this?
  15. oncloud1

    I think there dying.. Please Help

    There in hydroton, I'm using bubble Ponics, Custom built , my ph is 5.8, but it only seems to be affecting some of the plants. Im using a 600 w MH and 4 (65W CFL) I feed Nutes 2 days ago, and changed the water. The light is 10 inches above the plants & the room temp is 78 degrees, with lots...
  16. oncloud1

    I think there dying.. Please Help

    I don't k now why some of them look like this and some don't, There all in the same hydroponic Tank, What does it look like to you? Is this normal, they are 2 weeks old. I spent a lot on the seeds i don't want them to die please any suggestions would be grateful. Thanks
  17. oncloud1

    I changed my Grow Setup, Is this enough light?

    That makes sense, are there any better alternatives that are cheap? Thant might give more light? These things were like $20 a Piece
  18. oncloud1

    I changed my Grow Setup, Is this enough light?

    I changed my whole setup to put the plants closer to each other. I added a Reserve Tank and a strong water pump with a reverse fill valve so that i can just attach a hose and remove the water with the flip of a switch & also add. Does this setup look ok? I have 4 CFL 300W Each & 1 600W MH...
  19. oncloud1

    What does this look like

    I've already added nutrients and my ph is exactly 6.5 could it be anything else. Maybe not enough water/oxygen ? I'm running Hydro, if you couldn't tel from the picture Thanks
  20. oncloud1

    What does this look like

    Is there something wrong with it, Are the lamps too close, or some type of nute problem? Thanks, this is my fist grow