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  1. Grnthumb

    ChemDAWG! basement novice grow

    ANYBODY???? How long does it take for the new growth?
  2. Grnthumb

    ChemDAWG! basement novice grow

    I think i cut them too short!!!! Need help! theres no new growth to snip its just dark brown around the edges of the cut and the center is white. should i put it under 24 its been a week.
  3. Grnthumb

    ChemDAWG! basement novice grow

    I just cut one chem and my ak and made clones of the top halfs... i hope this works
  4. Grnthumb

    ChemDAWG! basement novice grow

    Thats when you cut the new growth in half right?
  5. Grnthumb

    If a marijuana plant falls but no one is around to hear it...

    No matter what, whether heard or not the plant would make a sound. This conclusion would make sense due to the fact if a plant falls, and someone IS around to hear it, it WOULD make a sound! The "someone" does not have to be there! You can also smoke whatevers clever... I would stick to herbs...
  6. Grnthumb

    ChemDAWG! basement novice grow

    So I can cut this at the 2nd node and get 4 main colas!!!
  7. Grnthumb

    ChemDAWG! basement novice grow

    Room A = Veg Room Room B = Flowering Room If i wanna be able to gro about 8 babies in this room do you thing a few t5's with a reflecter hood would do it i also have a low watt hps.
  8. Grnthumb

    ChemDAWG! basement novice grow

    Well I only have a 3X4 closet like veg room and I just started to build a big ass harvest room. Im not to keen on going big since its such a big step and i dont wanna do it wrong so i rather have the support of rollitup.
  9. Grnthumb

    ChemDAWG! basement novice grow

    This is my second grow and as you can see its time to step up...:weed::weed::weed::weed: The first grow I did consisted of the stealth bubbleponics system, which sucked. We grew widow and had about a 75% fatality rate. Came out with two plants two ounces. The system dosent allow the plants to...