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  1. L

    Barneys Farn LSD?

    I hope it is everythin it says on the site as ive just started growing it myself. Mine are about 1 foot tall all seem uniform in size upto now except 3 and they are 5wks in veg but im nt sure how long to veg them for any tips????
  2. L

    1st set of leaves dryish?

    They were 16 days form seeds but died last nite & I had to pull them I woz sick:sad: But we live & learn dont we
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    First time grower

    Im gutted now coz I pulled them all yesterday coz they werent looking healthy at all infact they had gone past the point of no return:sad: The 600w envirolite that I use is blue spectrum & when I bought it the instructions said it can b as close as 3-5cms from the plant, I think I over done it...
  4. L

    1st set of leaves dryish?

    I will ave to wait til l8r on as ive switched the lights on to 18/6 as recommended & then i will take sum pics, I think they need pulling but dnt wanna give up on them just yet as the roots are cuming along now even tho they are slow, I will update u l8r n thanks for all this helpkiss-ass
  5. L

    1st set of leaves dryish?

    Ive pulled the dead 1's & im down to 13 ( unlucky for some ) They are actually in rockwool & I think they were holding to much water so I give them a squeeze & turned the fan off but kept the extraction fan on to give them a rest but im struggling to keep the temp below 82, I woz debatin whether...
  6. L

    1st set of leaves dryish?

    Un decided wot to do m8:wall: Ive just checked the roots & the mass has just started gud formation but still slow for its age, do you think they need to be pulled:?::?::?:
  7. L

    First time grower

    Really appreciate that input m8 im not offended at all :smile: My light is 600w envirolite if that means anything to you & yeh it is about 1.5ft above the plants but will have to keep it at that til 2moz as its the lowest link on the chain. I have used Rhizotonic today only 2ml to 1ltre of water...
  8. L

    1st set of leaves dryish?

    Heres sum pics to b honest I dont think they have grown that much in the 16 days they have been under 24/7 light I really dont know what is up with them:-(:-(:-(
  9. L

    First time grower

    Well 2day ive pretty much had enough im on day 16 of the propagation & i ave just mixed 1ltre of ph 5.0 water to 2mls rhizotonic & dipped the bottom 1cm of the rockwool into the solution I bottled the rest & misted them over 6.30pm UK time I took the lid of the propagator & switched the fan &...
  10. L

    First time grower

    Oh well its on day 15 propagation & today is the 3rd day I have took the propagation lid off it will be for an hr & half today so they can gently be hardened off seems to be working & strengthening the stems to scared to look at the roots just yet:roll: will leave it a couple more days I had a...
  11. L

    1st set of leaves dryish?

    Thanks for that input m8:lol: I woz panicking thibking I had 6wks seedling then another 6-8wks vegging, my plants seem to of come on a little bit 1 of the curled up 1's ave started re-opening back up so fingers crossed aye:clap:
  12. L

    1st set of leaves dryish?

    Thanks dude, just to confirm would you say the seedling & vegatation stage are the same or are they different growing stages? Thanks again for your input really appreciatedbongsmilie
  13. L

    1st time grower & Alaskan Ice can any1 help!!!!

    Has any1 grown Alaskan ice b4??? Its my 1st grow & I think I have picked the wrong seed to grow. It is 14days on propagation & they dont seem to have grown for a few days, they are currently 1.5-2'' & have very small root mass, I have them under 6400k blue spectrum light in a propagation tank...
  14. L

    1st set of leaves dryish?

    No my roots are not exposed to the light, I have sprayed them with water & will leave them til tomorrow now & check on them but hardening them off doesnt seem to be making any difference except toughening up the stems which i assume is a good thing:!: I only ave 1 seedling out of the 16 that is...
  15. L

    1st set of leaves dryish?

    Mine are in rockwool & are in a propagation tank I have a 600watt blue spectrum light on them all the time & do the same, when the rockwool gets dry i damp the bottom of the rockwool with water, I have used superthrive, roots exculerator & rhizotonic on very small doses but only once. I started...
  16. L

    1st set of leaves dryish?

    Im having the same problem with mine, they are on day 12 of the propagation period & are about the same size n also with the same problem so I would also b interested to know why this is happening:wall:
  17. L

    First time grower

    Forgot to mention that I have 6400k blue spectrum envirolites on them & I have been given them a drop of suerthrive, rhizotonic root exculerator aswell
  18. L

    First time grower

    Thanks for that I have just put the fan on just b4 I logged on do you reckon I put the extraction fan on aswell as the room is very hot 30+ degrees & I have opened the vents on the propagator to try & harden them a bit, do I need to do anythink else as I really really dont want to mess up as ive...
  19. L

    First time grower

    Im on day 11 of propagation & my plants avent grown, wots up ????:confused::confused::confused:
  20. L


    Ive dus started me 1st grow n i ave got super thrive, roots exulerator & rhizotonic it is meant 2 b wicked 4 da propagation n vegetation stage of the growin:roll: not sure bout da flowering stage m8