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  1. Symphony

    Leaf tip curling

    One of my babys is about 2 months old now, but it looks like its growth has slowed down a bit. The ends of the leaves are curling down and new small leaves are really bright green at the centre. I figured it was a magnesium deficiency, so ive watered it twice with epsom salts, but there has...
  2. Symphony

    3 plants- Just some help please

    Just an update,
  3. Symphony


    Does this look like a hermie?? If it is, could i just cut off the thing that looks like a seed?
  4. Symphony

    Fruit Flies

    So ever since I've started growing, i've noticed fruit flies flying around my place, and also an increase in their numbers. I was told that this is because of my plants, and that fruit flies are attracted to marijuana plants. Is this true?
  5. Symphony

    SEXING Please Help!

    Ok so first day of flowering and i notice these, does this mean its a male plant, if it does is there any way it could produce female seeds?
  6. Symphony


    My plants are starting to get these little spots. The spots do not seem to be getting bigger, but more leaves are getting them. Could this be a ph problem? If i need to make it more acidic would i be able to drop some lemon juice (from lemon) in the water i use to water them? Also it looks...
  7. Symphony

    3 plants- Just some help please

    Ok so the only changes are that i added two more 20 watt cfls, with 1250 lumens and a colour temperature of 5000k. I have also changed the soil and fertilizer that i was using, and the plants are still on the same light cycle. I also pruned the tops off a couple of days ago. Peace.
  8. Symphony

    How early can i start flowering?

    wouldn't that strain the plant, if part of it is in flowering and the other is in veg? And wouldn't the sealed of part require any air circulation?
  9. Symphony

    How early can i start flowering?

    I germinated some bag seeds and was was thinking i would take a cutting and flower it to check the sex of the plant. So i was wondering how early i would be able to do this? Is it possible to flower at any time?
  10. Symphony

    Nitrogen Alternative

    Hey, i was just wondering if anyone has any advice for alternative sources for nitrogen?
  11. Symphony

    3 plants- Just some help please

    Ok this was started just for fun with some bag seeds I have got two cfls lighting up three plants. Im not really sure how long they have been growing for, and i have been playing around with the lights so the plants are probably not en par with how they are supposed to be by this time. At the...