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  1. N

    Should I Flower Now?

    It says that the nutes last for 6 months, I'm just looking up about the soil now.
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    Should I Flower Now?

    Anyone?????????????????? Plz help is there anyone who is actually growing in Miracle Grow soil, how is it going? Moash thanx for your help. What soil do you grow in?
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    Should I Flower Now?

    Thanx 4 the advice, but about the flushing I was asking about when I am ready to harvest how am I gonna flush out the nutes then?
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    Should I Flower Now?

    This is my first grow and I have 2 plants on the go for personal use and one of them is 1.5 feet tall and nearly 5 weeks old and the other is just over 1 foot and 4 weeks old now, so i was wondering if I could start to flower because they are getting quite big. Also I dont know if its a...
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    Had an accident during repotting of plant

    Thanx for the advice evryone its really helpful, I was just a bit worried that it might not recover
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    Had an accident during repotting of plant

    My baby is 1 week old from when it broke surface from the soil. I had to transfer it today to a bigger pot as it looked too big for the one it was in and also there was all this fluffy looking stuff underneath the pot I was worried it might have been mould or something. When I took it out of the...
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    Started my 1st grow. Need some advice please.

    Thanks a lot for all your advice so far Erysichthon, you have been a real help. Also about the fan someone said to leave it on all the time is that true or should i have it on for a few hours only.
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    Started my 1st grow. Need some advice please.

    thanx 4 the advise, if I need to adjust the ph of my tap water how do I go about doing it? But the ph of the bottled water is 7.4 per litre is that still a lot because I won't be using a litre of water a day.
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    Started my 1st grow. Need some advice please.

    Thanx 4 giving me a heart attack lol, when I read the first sentence I froze, I thought NOOOOOOOOOO after all these few days of stressing. The water I am using is not tap water, on the bottle it says PH is 7.4, is that ok?
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    Started my 1st grow. Need some advice please.

    I had my 3 germinated seeds in some multi purpose compost in a heated propagator, 1 didn't break surface at all, 1 just about did break surface and then flopped and died idk why, and the last one began growing and got its first 2 leaves and thats all it done for 3 days no other leaves came out...
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    PLEASE HELP!! I don't know what to do

    Thanx to everyone for your help, its much appreciated, just gonna sit back be patient and wait for my seeds to break the surface, i have still got the heated propagator on but I have put it somewhere the daylight can get to it so it has some kinda light getting to it along with the heat. Hope...
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    PLEASE HELP!! I don't know what to do

    Thanx jgrows4u, I have seen some setups like yours and they look really good but I'm going to be growing using soil and i will have the plants in a box that I will be making, I can't really use hps lights too expensive, i will grow with CFLs, also I have a very small place so it will be hard for...
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    PLEASE HELP!! I don't know what to do

    Thank You so much for your help so far, so you think my babies are going to be ok then, I don't need to panic or anything? What do you use for your grow? Also when I get to the stage where they break the surface and they need light do I use daylight or bulbs? I intend on making a box measuring...
  14. N

    PLEASE HELP!! I don't know what to do

    Thanks for your reply, the soil is not like miracle gro it is called Levington Multi Purpose Compost with added John Innes, it says on the pack it has nutrients NPK but with no values, so I think that maybe it doesn't have enough, do I need to add fertilser at this stage? What would be the best...
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    PLEASE HELP!! I don't know what to do

    Hi everyone, this is my first grow and I don't have a clue what to do. I'll explain what I have done so far. I germinated 3 seeds using the paper towel method and the next day only 1 germinated I put it into soil in a heated 8watt propagator I bought from the shop, today it is day 3 that it has...
  16. N

    HELP! Where to buy seeds

    My friend wants to grow a couple of plants for personal use but doesn't know what is a trusted site or shop to purchase seeds in London. Could someone please help out. Also for a beginner what is the best type of seed to get that is easy to grow.