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  1. G

    Need suggestions on security after I have a succesfull harvest

    in reply to the posts on this subject, just the fact that i am growing could get me in jail. i am aware of that so the point of this thread is to avoid that. i was not raised here in this area ( indiana ) and I am a very private person and I only smoke with one other person, and he is not...
  2. G

    Need suggestions on security after I have a succesfull harvest

    actually i saw that in weeds on showtime
  3. G

    Need suggestions on security after I have a succesfull harvest

    I have been growing now for about 10 years now for my personal use. I have always grown just a few plants for myself but now i've decided to invest some money and do a commercial grow operation. I believe i have a skill that I should take advantage of and frankly what i will produce will not...