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    Indoor plant moved outside about 1.5 months ago in to FFOF mixed with ground soil.

    I just planted it outside from an indoor grow to see how far it would make it on its own being watered every 2-3 days and its still alive but eaten up from the bottom. It is a bag seed. I have noticed the bottom of the stem has a copper tone but moving up the plant the color is healthy and...
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    It rained, outdoor plant dropped.

    So my outdoor plant was doing great. Then it rained and i saw it today the plant had fallen down flat to the side. is there a chance it might revive by itself or is it dead?
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    Is it time to add nutes? Transplanted from MG to FFOF.

    FOR PICTURES, goto my other thread on the most recent page and i posted 5 pics of te current poor plant :/
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    Is it time to add nutes? Transplanted from MG to FFOF.

    Last week and one day a go, I transplanted my one and a half month old bag seed plant from MG Organic into FFOF. The reason for that is because my plant was not growing. After 8 days now, the plant added 2 inches to height! However, I see yellowing, curling up, and brown spots on tips! All are...
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    1.5mo plant looks like a seedling still

    The plant has grown substantially for one week since being put into FFOF, however, now I see yellow spots on leaves, there is one leaf that has turned brown on the tip and has a hole :(, and there is curling by almost all the leaves in the downward position. Could it be overwatering...
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    1.5mo plant looks like a seedling still

    *Update* Added two CFLS and heres a picture Plant is 2 days transplanted into Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil Watered yesterday Added the two new CFLS today.
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    1.5mo plant looks like a seedling still

    Yeah i have read good reviews on Roots Organic soil. And its really good for outdoors I believe.
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    1.5mo plant looks like a seedling still

    Oh okay my bad. Its doing good i see a sprout of two sets of leaves and nodes and its gotten bigger and wider and its looking more like a MJ plant and not seedling and im loving it. However my results will be posted next week to compare the differences of growth in Mg and Ffof. So far, the plant...
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    1.5mo plant looks like a seedling still

    See I had this planted in a solo cup afer germination and it grew 2 inches. From there I just decided to plant inside a bigger pot and let the roots find their way down. After I took the plant out Miracle Gro I saw that the roots had reached bottom and formed well indeed, but the soil was...
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    First Time Grower

    Im surprised your plants even got that big. I used MG organic for a month and a half and my plant was 4in tall.
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    1.5mo plant looks like a seedling still

    Well what happened two days ago was I watered it inside the Miracle Grow soil, and it looks like the nutes bruned the two leaves at the very very bottom and they yellowed, and my plant went sideways. However, I transplanted into FFOF and made sure its sturdy and in a few hours the plant was able...
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    1.5mo plant looks like a seedling still

    What how do u know if it isnt the soil!? It could be a loss if you dont take care of it like me. I mean im transplanting this into FFOF soil and gonna give it a good week to see if it changes and then i decide on where to go from there!
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    1.5mo plant looks like a seedling still

    Yeah I decided to buy some FFOF soil. Is it okay to use it without Perlite? Since Im transplanting from MG Organic, will I have to wait until that soil is dry to transplant?
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    1.5mo plant looks like a seedling still

    Yea @dopedeiii you think if I plant this into coco coir and perlite would be better or just into ffof? I have access to all that good stuff (local hyrdo store found)
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    1.5mo plant looks like a seedling still

    Thanks I have good news!!!! Ive found a local hydro store selling that FFOF! Going to get it today and transplant! That sounds right. Unfortunately guys, I have no seeds. I will have to transplant this baby into FFOF and go from there. Thanks for your helps!!!!!!!
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    1.5mo plant looks like a seedling still

    Okay man thanks I was wondering how to do that! YES! I noticed the bark in my soil. I should probably transplant it in new soil as well?
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    1.5mo plant looks like a seedling still

    You think if I transplant this outdoors and let the sun do all the work it will help? And as far as stunting when I first planted this in a dixie cup i let it grow for a few days and then added a 45W LED panel 6in above the plant. I had no circulation or CFLS for a good 3 weeks until I changed...
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    1.5mo plant looks like a seedling still

    Just an update of my revised lighting. *removed reflectors *inched the CFLs closer *Need two more socket cords to extend the higher CFLs (2 of em not in picture) lower *Hung LED panel at a near distance to plant to help with broader spectrum *Moved fans under the plant to push air upwards and...
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    1.5mo plant looks like a seedling still

    The two reflectors are approx. 3 in away and bulbs about 4-5in. I have a spare bathroom that never gets used. And that foil is actually from a sun chips bag i turned inside out hoping itll help reflect the most light. My problem seems to be nearness of bulbs to plant and I should put all four...