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  1. p0d

    Okay guys, i need help, you gotta help me

    Amazing book though, you have to admit :P Then i guess i best be a sissy boy, shucks, i didn't mean no baaad things
  2. p0d

    Okay guys, i need help, you gotta help me

    Haw Haw Haw, thanks for judging me from two posts guys, and stereotyping me, and discriminating against kids, how 'bout before you start da judgin', ya gwaan and read some Plato, or some Heidigger, or a lil Neitzche... Well maybe not the Neitzche, because most of what he said was about God not...
  3. p0d

    Okay guys, i need help, you gotta help me

    shes there
  4. p0d

    Okay guys, i need help, you gotta help me

    trip hop shops, laser infinity drop, dream loop purple, che customers are complaining. astral gtX, charlie get down.
  5. p0d

    Okay guys, i need help, you gotta help me

    seriously kids i need the site. ah say ah say ah say ah need the website bois. AY, JU SHUDDNA DUN THAT, EZ JUSTA BOY. Poor lil' fellur.
  6. p0d

    Okay guys, i need help, you gotta help me

    GUYS, me and my friend jhust bought a Q and rolled 16 spliff out of it, so what i need right now mary jane piss in your face fun time is a website where i can upload the pics and then post links here to show you think crazy weed hat man and the 16 jays? HUH? waddya know is stu redman and rita...
  7. p0d

    Welcome New Members!

    Thanks a bunch jimmy :), i sure will.
  8. p0d

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey guys, basically i have a few seeds and i'd pretty much love it if one of you could either tell me/link me to a website that will tell me three or four things; A list of what i will need to grow them inside, including lights, soil, what to grow them in (plantpots etc), and basically what...