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  1. M

    Got a dutch? GROWING AND GROWING AND.....

    Gotcha. It's my first grow so it's really nothin' too special. Just a basement closet 5'W x 2'D but I was fortunate to get 3 females goin and had em' outside since they were strong enough to bear the wind til' I thought of my neighbors or passersby might see so, I moved them in doors into 6...
  2. M

    Male or Female

    Nah Mr., I'm here...I stand corrected. Sincerest apologies...Thought there was some actual logic to determining m/f. My bad.
  3. M

    Got a dutch? GROWING AND GROWING AND.....

    "For CFLs though, I'd say 18-22 inches would be the max of how tall you want your plants to be." Say what?? Based off what?? I have 3 beautiful ladies that are ALL well over 2' and are in week 2 of flowering & look amazing...
  4. M

    Male or Female

    Oh, ok. Lol. Actually, it is, just that easy! lol Just ask uh, ANYONE who knows. This is my FIRST GROW and I know this from looking it up. It's called, GOOGLE-"How to tell what sex your marijuana plants are" LOL. Before any of my (3) now 3' with ODD NUMBERED & STAGGERED LEAVES flowered, I...
  5. M

    Male or Female

    They're females. There are 2 different ways to determine sex immediately. Females grow their odd # leaves opposed to last pair which, start with 3 blade leaves then grow 5, then 7 and 9. Males have even # leaves. Always.
  6. M

    whats the deal with the leaves?..

    Idk what kind of light you're runnin' and btw I'm on my 1st grow lol, so take this for what it's worth. Based off what my plants look like, they really look like you need like a lot more light and don't over water. Again, I dunno much though. (threw that in for the pros;) Your bottom fans are...
  7. M

    Got a dutch? GROWING AND GROWING AND.....

    Hardly seems like enough light but evidently it is. ha! I'm runnin' a 4' staggered kelvin (3-6KK) 6 bulb CFL (my first grow) and was lookin' @ em' this mornin' wonderin' if that, was even enough...
  8. M

    Lighting needs in flowering

    MorroN, just curious how do you know that the 3KK are the best? Did your plants respond differently? Experiences?
  9. M

    Lighting needs in flowering

    Dude, this is my first grow but I bought a 4' (6) bulb T8 polished reflector shop light and since HD doesn't sell 4' aquarium bulbs and I'm NOT paying $23 per bulb @ Petsmart (wtf?) , I bought 3 different bulbs sets @ HD and did a mix ...(2) 3100K inside, (2) 4500K the next outer and (2) 6000K...
  10. M

    Cut 50-60% of fan leaves off to "get more light through", wishin' I hadn't.....advise

    Thanks for the comments guys. Some a lil' harsh but thanks. Basically the closet I'm growing them out of is 5'L x 2'D and the girls are now 2'-2'5" tall so, I thought I needed to open it up by pruning some of the fans. My bad. I understand now how key they are to feeding the plant & buds but...
  11. M

    Cut 50-60% of fan leaves off to "get more light through", wishin' I hadn't.....advise

    Hey all, This my very first grow and all has been going well. No idea what kind the girls are but they are lime green with white hairs?...I was wrestling with cutting some fan leaves off to "let more light through" and eventually yesterday morning, I did. I would NEVER do this again. Yes, I...