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  1. Origin

    Be Afraid ... VERY Afraid ...

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry :confused:
  2. Origin

    Mouth Wash

    Ermm I'm hoping someone can help me here because I'm really confused... Someone called Pothead6 posted the thread about growing a plant in his parents house (obviously not with the blessing of his mother). Pothead6 also asked for advice on growing Opium. Another posted called anita-bonghit...
  3. Origin


    CANNABIS is now more evil than the Nazis and smoking the drug is worse for the brain than watching Richard Madeley on television, new research suggests. Worse even than Richard and Judy During the Sixties smoking dope was hardly evil at all, and the drug was more playful and slightly naughty...
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    Attn ALL Female Members of RIU

    Reporting for duty... :-)
  5. Origin

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    Good Post. I've watched all of Alex Jones documentaries (and countless others) and agree with you that it was an inside job. Below is a list of main stream news articles that are food for thought on the subject - Enjoy while you can - some have already been "disappeared". 250+ 9/11...
  6. Origin

    Why Did Bush Knock Down The Towers?

    250+ 9/11 'Smoking Guns' Found in the Mainstream Media Killtown's:* 250+ 9/11 'Smoking Guns' Found in the Mainstream Media - Connecting the dots. (Last updated: 05/23/2008) PLANNED BEFORE 1962 - US military drafted 'Operation Northwoods'...
  7. Origin

    The funny images thread
