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  1. B

    What to do with fresh trim

    Yeah its good lol
  2. B

    What to do with fresh trim

    I virtually never consume edibles so I'm always taken aback by how long it takes lol, half and hour in and I was like "oh the batch must not have turned out very potent...." half and hour...
  3. B

    What to do with fresh trim

    Oh it turned out
  4. B

    What to do with fresh trim

    Ended up making butter the water method way, put the butter in my coffee. It's actually really fucking good! We'll see if it's potent though ; )
  5. B

    What to do with fresh trim

    Shit like that is why I made this post! Thanks
  6. B

    What to do with fresh trim

    You are blowing my mind with the weed butter coffee idea dude
  7. B

    What to do with fresh trim

    What does it mean to decarb it??
  8. B

    What to do with fresh trim

    Does it sound like enough? How much butter should I use?
  9. B

    What to do with fresh trim

    Hey all, just harvested a few small plants, probably got just over an ounce when all is said and done, but I'm not sure what to do with the trim, It's not a crazy amount, about enough to cover a sheet pan, lots of tiny bottom nugs mixed in there as well. What should I do with it? Do i have to...
  10. B

    Do these look ready?

    Right on then, another month or so it is! Will report back around then, thanks all.
  11. B

    Do these look ready?

    Yeah I don't have magnifying glass or anything right now so can't take a close look, from what I've read though I'd like to harvest mine a little earlier to get a buzzier and less lethargic high
  12. B

    Do these look ready?

    Hi all, first time grower, about roughly 2ish months into flower, just wondering if these look or are close to looking ready??
  13. B

    First Grow 3 weeks in to flower (pics)

    Hey y'all, newbie here just wanting to get some opinions on a first grow, kinda went into it without knowing much so I made some mistakes early on, started them in yogurt cups on my windowsill, didn't get enough sun and they got a little tall. Moved them over to 12/12 once i felt happy with the...