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  1. C

    Day 23 leaves turning yellow? Help

    It's my first grow. the led pulls a true 180 watts. Not sure of its quality yet.
  2. C

    Day 23 leaves turning yellow? Help

    Growing in promix hp with 20 percent perlite. Plant has been growing like crazy but yesterday some leaves started yellowing. The lower fan leaves especially. They are on day 23. Not sure if its overwatering (it's been taking about 4 days for the 5 gallon air pots to dry out). Or nitrogen...
  3. C

    Help 16 day old autoflower with drooping curling leaves

    I have not checked run off ph yet. My tap water is about 7.5. When mixed with the AN it ends up around 6. I will check the run off next time I water. Good call.
  4. C

    Help 16 day old autoflower with drooping curling leaves

    Thanks for the reassurance. I've got a couple other strains going and they don't show the same leaf curling so I was getting worried. Appreciate it!
  5. C

    Help 16 day old autoflower with drooping curling leaves

    Hi there. My critical autoflower is super droopy. Leaves seem to be curling down. It's been 24 hours since a water so I assumed it would have picked up by now. I let the soil dry up for 5 days in between waterings. This is my first grow. It's in pro mix up with extra perlite. It was fed 1/4...
  6. C

    Help. Seedling tips turning brown

    Yep 5 gallon smart pots I gave them a big water 3 days ago. Soil is still moist. My cheap 1000w equivalent led is about 20 inches up. I also have a couple of 40w cfls about 4 inches away. How'd you guess it was cheap? haha
  7. C

    Help. Seedling tips turning brown

    Yeah I will definitely do that. I thought I could get away with water straight from the tap, beginners mistake.
  8. C

    Help. Seedling tips turning brown

    My tap water is not hard. I will double check though, great suggestion.
  9. C

    Help. Seedling tips turning brown

    I thought about that as well. But I believe the promix hp plus about 20 percent perlite should be fairly low in nutrients
  10. C

    Help. Seedling tips turning brown

    Hi there. My 8 day old seedlings are starting to brown on the tips. They are in promix hp 5 gallon pots. Not a heat issue. I have not added nutes yet. Could it be chlorine in tap water? I did not let the water sit before giving it to the plants. ph was lowered with lemon juice to about 6. Thanks...