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  1. Slimjimham

    online pump...

    So I'm modeling a system aftwr the current culture xl4..... Got all their stuff, the joints with bulkheads, filter, intake and return manifold... Their system doesn't submerge the pump, just keeps it out see the res, presumably for temp reasons... Anyways weekdays a good pump that won't...
  2. Slimjimham

    pond smell normal?

    Ams to clear it up I have 1 185 gph pump for about 38 gallons, so almost 5 changes an hour seems plenty to me but again what do i know. I'm gonna bea pro in 6 months though and I'd these plants turn out anything like my dwc buckets i ran in the past I'll be pumped.... Also can you guys uploada...
  3. Slimjimham

    pond smell normal?

    Ok so veg ppm should be closer to 500? How about wheni pull em right out of the cloner? Start em on 500 too? Ph is 5.8 right now and I think it's recirculating plenty... Why no pondzyme? I was thinking i may just use it in veg unless i get problems in flower.... And i thought rapid start...
  4. Slimjimham

    pond smell normal?

    Since the res change i don't smell the pond smell but I'm sure it'll be back... Ppm is at 390 on the 500 scale, plants are in veg... Right now I'm using everything minus the greatwhite in the res... still using a little to make tea... So I'm using ... Aquaflakes Rapid root Cannazyme 1/2...
  5. Slimjimham

    getting algae

    Very early to tell but I have no growth yet in the new black hoses.... Also I just asked this in another thread but do any of you guys have a fishtank/pond smell in your res and is it normal?
  6. Slimjimham

    pond smell normal?

    The chiller is the ecoplus 1/4hp... I realize is oversized but i got it for $100, couldn't pass it up... Again I only have 1 of these with 2-3 rez's in flower (just starting systems in flower room)
  7. Slimjimham

    pond smell normal?

    So heres the dilemma with rez temps... I do a perpetual grow, I pull a light every 3 weeks, so in flower I'll have 3 rez 's if i switch everything over, but am planning on going with at least 2 rdwc systems in flower to start... And i have a 1/4 hp chiller, for 2 flower setups using less than...
  8. Slimjimham

    getting algae

    And I can say I just pulled a couple clear tubes that were95% covered and they had some crazy algae on em already after 2 weeks... and i use cannazyme.. like i said i just replaced the tube with black
  9. Slimjimham

    getting algae

    Well i guess that's no biggie if sediment is fine... just trying to think how I'll clean it between grows. .. shop vac the bit i can get with the pump? Or is the sediment not good. .. I changed those hoses to black and did a rez change.. hopefully the roots start to go crazy... not a whole...
  10. Slimjimham

    pond smell normal?

    New to rdwc and I just did a rez change, but it was smelling like pond water/fish tank water... Not sure if this is normal Tempos at 72, rdwc, Aquaflakes Rapid root Cannazyme Greatwhite Pondzyme heisenburg tea Any ideas? It was in a new veg system for 2 weeks... roots look good, plants just...
  11. Slimjimham

    getting algae

    OK cool, is this something that comes with the territory or is there something i should be doing to try and remove it? Also anyone have experience with pond zyme?
  12. Slimjimham

    getting algae

    A pic of what I'm talking about (just about to change top black house just want to know if it's justa simple light leak fix or something more) Thanks
  13. Slimjimham

    getting algae

    So I'm running an rdwc system and used clear tubes, and put a pipe insulation cover on them but there's a slight slit on the bottom letting a bit of light in. Just bought black tube to replace it. But I see a bit in my res Also... Is it something to be conserned with? I'm usinga ton of...
  14. Slimjimham

    starting seeds for hydro? (dwc)

    So i know this isn't well placed but i know you guys are constantly popping seeds like me... I've fucked with dwc in the past and killed it but it was a pain in the ass. Now I'm running an rdwc system, trying to switch over from long time soil grows for ease (flushing, less need to spend lots...
  15. Slimjimham

    Highgrade is legit!

    Wait what strain is it he's trying to grow? ..."slh, slh, slh, slh..." This almost makes me think someone is putting this shit up as a joke, but who would purposely fuck up their plants... Also the op sounds questionable at best...'new member'
  16. Slimjimham

    rdwc, run tea or sterile rez?

    Well I'm going to do the basic heisenburg tea because that's what i did before and had success.... I'm going to try to go 2-3 weeks without changing the rez, just topping off in between. .. does this sounds reasonable? Thanks
  17. Slimjimham

    rdwc, run tea or sterile rez?

    Cool any long time hydro growers have any input?
  18. Slimjimham

    rdwc, run tea or sterile rez?

    I've done dwc before with tea. Had good success. Now I'm upping it a bit and running rdwc... I feel like alot of people say keep a steril rez (current culture - rdwc company)... But I've had friends say they had nothing but probs trying to run sterile, moved to alive and wouldn't go back...
  19. Slimjimham

    DWC Root Slime Prevention

    Been growing for a while soil... few successful dwc runs under my belt... now trying rdwc... killed it with just the 5g buckets but was such a pain in the dick to monitor each bucket... Anyways I don't know much but a friend of mine swears by cannazym, said it's worth is weight in gold so i got...
  20. Slimjimham

    going to switch to rdwc, nite question

    Fuuuck i just realized it says nite question in the title.... I meant NUTE question.... swipe texting can save a ton of time but doesn't always work out ha