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  1. V

    Do lumens really matter? Do they add up? Lighting experts apply within

    a CFL with low lumens level most often has a higher emission of PAR then a similar CFL of equal watts and higher lumens output. This is because most CFL's are produced and tuned for a higher lumens level. This is also the reason why expensive CFL-lamps for plant-growing tends to have a lower...
  2. V

    Do lumens really matter? Do they add up? Lighting experts apply within

    doesn't matter if the lumens goes up, this would only apply to office-lighting etc. _NOT_ grow-lighting. Lumens is a measure of light that stimulates our brain through our eyes. Plants needs a different kind of light emitted at a different wavelength in order for chlorophyll a & b to be...
  3. V

    Do lumens really matter? Do they add up? Lighting experts apply within

    Correct, inorder to increase the PAR (where chlorophyll a & b is being stimulated) there has to be an increase in the intensity of the light, not the volume of it. A CFL emits more PAR per watt then a HPS does, but the most powerful CFL I've come upon is a 300 Watt 9U. The intensity of this CFL...
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    Do lumens really matter? Do they add up? Lighting experts apply within

    according to this information there is no general conversion factor between lumens and PAR. That is if im reading it right. I posted this in another thread but I think it fits in here just as well. The chart below will give people a good impression of how much PAR is being emitted from...
  5. V

    Why lumens don't mean anything to plants.

    sorry fp reviving this old thread. But I have some info published by Sylvania that kinda contradicts what has been said in here. About the relation between lumens and PAR. If not and i've misunderstood then at least the chart below will give people a good impression of how much PAR is being...