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  1. S

    Update, plants look good to me!

    nice from being bagseed.. whereabouts u from growing them shits to be so bushy outdoors...(just give me an estimate) i aint lookin for ur address lol,..
  2. S

    plz help a noob

    cover them... yes starve them out til the soil is nice and crispy.. listen to ur plants dude.. they will tell you when they need water... dont water them again til the soil is nice and aerated..(or it starts drooping again then time to water) the roots need oxygen as well... umm you will be able...
  3. S

    I NEED Thoughts/tips about optimizing my grow..*PICS*

    any how heres an update... THOUGHTS ON THEM NOW?? first is my second oldest.. next 2 are the same plant of my oldest its 32" tall these are going on 2.5 weeks gettin ready to transplant a few into bigger planters very very soon. And im germing another 10 seeds since last night.. gonna get...
  4. S

    Leaves Lack Luster (try saying that fast lol)

    organic food maybe make a tea.. youtube it man theres so much good info on there... search "compost tea for cannabis"
  5. S

    I NEED Thoughts/tips about optimizing my grow..*PICS*

    could overwatering cause the leaves to look as they do?
  6. S

    I NEED Thoughts/tips about optimizing my grow..*PICS*

    thanks will do.. i was using ivory dish soap mix water and spray at night once every 3-4 days.
  7. S

    I NEED Thoughts/tips about optimizing my grow..*PICS*

    this one is really got a few spots i dont think its life is in danger,, Its actually a real healthy plant other than few bugs that got on it and the few spots on the leaves..