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  1. budforever442200

    pH Fluctuation?

    Flush Flush Flush
  2. budforever442200

    Can anyone diagnose for me? Splotches on the plants.

    Looks like a nute burn. I would flush with a flushing solution. i use florakleen.
  3. budforever442200

    3 week old w.w. has only 3

    dont worry about it. it wont mean less or more yeild. ive had a plant with 1 and another with 10.
  4. budforever442200

    help fast +REP

    1 week before flower. then on all though out flower
  5. budforever442200

    girl stressed from nutes

    I agree. Water drops on the leaves will cause burn spots
  6. budforever442200

    help with my girl please.*pics

    I dont think you need a humidity dome. and maybe just use one cfl, them just wait
  7. budforever442200

    help fast +REP

    Maybe a little af them all. the 3rd pic looks a little dry.when you water, water all the soil. this will promote healthy rooting. a little rhizo or clonex wouldnt hurt
  8. budforever442200

    help fast +REP

    it is. i veg under a 1000hps, but they dont go from flourecents to hps right off the bat. you have to ease them in to the more powerful light
  9. budforever442200

    White spots

    yes it will affect the flowers. they suck the life giving saps out of the leaves. your plant will stop growing and eventually die unless you do somthing.
  10. budforever442200

    help fast +REP

    I bet its the hps more than the cfls.
  11. budforever442200

    help with my girl please.*pics

    Mg is really hot. its not good for young plants. I would ether try and replant in some soil that doesnt have a bunch of nuts. or... yeah replant and flush
  12. budforever442200

    help fast +REP

    I think they look a little stressed from the transplant. what do you ph your water at? Rhizotonic is awsome for stressed plants
  13. budforever442200

    help with my girl please.*pics

    what kind of soil are you in? and what size pots are they in?
  14. budforever442200

    girl stressed from nutes

    Well first, it helps mold a powder mildew grow starting new probs. and the other is that once a plant has a good root system you want to incourage the plant to take nuts up through the roots, and
  15. budforever442200

    girl stressed from nutes

    How big is she. its not good to foliar feed after they have a strong root system. but watering the roots, of course. go for it, just add and ph the water.
  16. budforever442200

    White spots

    Sorry dude, but you have spider mites....Bad. its a little too late to dip them in floramite,. thats the only thing that WILL get rid of em. sorry
  17. budforever442200

    + rep yellow spot on main cola pic need help + REP

    looks like an N lockout. maybe some heat stress. id flush.
  18. budforever442200

    Drooping clone!~@!~!@

    are they outside already? what kind of soil are you in? sometimes clones just dont like life anymore.
  19. budforever442200

    Possible Hermie?? Please advise!

    Dont worry, shes a she.
  20. budforever442200

    help!! my leaves are dieing!!

    Looks like overwatering/underwatering. and maybe the MG. let dry/water, Flush with a flushing solution, PH 6.5 or so, and stop using MG