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  1. 420mon

    Are these roots healthy?

    Hygrozime will fix that, it eats up all the bad shit and will leave yer roots bright white N heathy...expensive but it works!!!
  2. 420mon

    HELP! Plant hoppers and possibly leaf hoppers! What do I do?

    I was told by another grower a product called "Bayer" would get rid of them......i researched it and it prob would work but it can be bad for the environment and also kills bee's so mon did not use it and went with more shade screen and just kept picking them buggers off, it took about a week...
  3. 420mon

    help noobie

    looks like u need to cut out more light, looks to be revegging to many hours light are they getting?
  4. 420mon

    WTF is THIS!!

    naw it is PM, mon thought same thing when it happen to him long looks like a water spot when dry..... spray it with neem once a week to keep it away and get some fans in yer greenhouse
  5. 420mon

    WTF is THIS!!

    looks like pm to mon
  6. 420mon

    Key Lime Pie Strain ...anyone?

    Here is a pic of my key lime pie in light dep, mon started it 3-12-13 from harborside,pic taken yesterday.....smells pretty good.
  7. 420mon

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Cant see anymore but there is a smaller one inside of them here are some older pic of key lime pie, same concept just smaller and with thin bamboo poles, plants got so bushy u cant see them anymore once they outgrew the smaller cage, is a old pic of the key lime pie So once they...
  8. 420mon

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Thanks!!! Yea alot of sun screen, most of it from home depot i think 6x20 around 30 bux a roll had to get 3 this year.... Some is from 2 years ago when I only did the ends of the hoophouse, then some from last year cuz I wanted more airflow I did the ends and the sides and I had to buy some...
  9. 420mon

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    just another small update, started clones 3-12-13 all are clones from harborside except the GSC blue dream today 6-12-13 sour d today 6-12-13 gsc today, is actually bagseed from GSC, crossed or pollinated from? who knows 6-12-13 key lime pie light dep 6-12-13 they are like 2ish maybe 3ish weeks...
  10. 420mon

    OUTDOOR GROW EXPERTISE NEEDED...Check out my photo! Thanx!

    Howdy, nice will have to step up watering as they get bigger, plus its gonna be getting hotter.....Right now with my 100g smart pot it is 20 gallons of water every other day or I could get away with 5 gallons everyday but keep in mind mine are huge already and when they were...
  11. 420mon

    Flash flood!

    Never put all yer eggs in one basket, especially if you only have a few.......
  12. 420mon

    i dont give a fuck

    Marijuana is killing off innocent civilian bystanders in record numbers, wake up and realize that there is more than life than to get high, maybe if you took a xanax or aderal from time to time you could see the beauty in life instead of just sitting in your moms basement smoking drugs, the only...
  13. 420mon

    Help me with the sun you veg

    if you want them to bud now you can put a trash can over them at 7:45 pm and remove trash can at 8 am and trick it into thinking season is changing but you must do this everyday until you harvest.
  14. 420mon

    Help me with the sun you veg

    Don't worry guys mon got this......mon speak goat, Baaaa baaa ba ba ba baaaaaaahhhhh hmmmmm wait a minute...... chicken says Cluck-cluck kitty says Meow The doggy says Woof-woof! The cow says MOOOOooooo! The rooster says Cock-a-doodle-doo! The sheep says Baaaaaa The pig says...
  15. 420mon

    How I deal with animals messing with my plants - Cheap and effective

    FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!!!!! :finger:
  16. 420mon

    Harvest time?

    Mon likes it to dry S L O W......... so mon times harvest and waits until the plants are thirsty, normaly like 2 days of no water then water early around sun up and cuts within 30-40 mins after watering, so mon choice wuld be early anywhere from 6-7 am til around 9-10 am...watering before...
  17. 420mon

    HELP please

    lever em be, nice looking plans, they look more than 4 weeks tho....i say stay on course captain!!!!!
  18. 420mon

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    sour dblue dream key lime pie light dep GSC light dep
  19. 420mon

    What kind of bug is this????

    That looks like a ladybug larvae, they stick to leafs? if so leave em be they are good for your plant......peace
  20. 420mon

    furniture with hidden conpartments

    like this?